Monday, May 23, 2005

Day 26 - Monday 23rd May

A day of mixed emotions.

I rang the Intensive Care Unit and asked to speak to Karen. Wanted to tell her I wouldn't be in until 1pm because I was bringing the dogs. The nurse checked if Karen could speak and came back and explained

Nurse :- "She can't speak at the moment because she is having physio and anyway she is fast asleep."

I was laughing to myself at the thought of Karen getting a workout whilst fast asleep.

The day started with tears. I brought the dogs to see Karen, and one by one I got them out of the car and took them to Karen's bed. First Dog was Cleo. I didn't want to risk them jumping on kp so I lifted Cleo to kp so she could stroke him.

Immediately she got upset. :-( She had a good stroke and then on with the next dog (Bonnie). I tried lifting her to Karen, but she doesn't like to be lifted, so I took her on the lead and as soon as she saw Karen she launched herself completely in the air ONTO kp's bed. Jesus Tonight. kp's stomach is still not fully stitched up so I nearly laid an egg. Thankfully, I immediately yanked the chain and although all 4 paws touched the bed, they immediately landed back on the ground. Phew ! Bonnie then jumped up with her 2 front paws and let kp have a good stroke.

Elsa was the last and least trouble

Karen was tearful throughout. But I know she was glad she had seen the dogs. I think it must bring home to her what she is missing :-(

More tears followed at about 3pm when kp was ready for visitors again. Marie, Michelle, Jane + myself were round kp's bed and she was very quiet for quite a long time. She beckoned Michelle to come closer. kp wanted a hug. Very unusual (as those who know kp will be only too well aware). kp hugged Michelle and started crying. Michelle started crying, Marie started crying, Jane started crying and I stood there like a lemon. I must be all out of tears today. kp was upset. She is definately realising the depth of her situation as each day passes. Now I am crying. I feel so sorry for her. She has come through so much, battled so hard - she doesn't understand how far she has come, and she is just realising how ill she was and is and that she has a long road to travel. She is very frustrated having to lie in bed 24/7. Who can blame her ?

For a lot of the afternoon, she was uncomfortable as she had been positioned on her right hand side. She asks me to get someone to ease her discomfort, which of course I do, even though I know that comfort is hard to find for kp with all her sores etc....

One of the nurses came over and sat down with kp and had a good chat to her. He explained that for the last 3 weeks she had been unconscious and the hard times were experienced by David and the rest of the family. But now it was time for her big struggle. He was down to earth and told her that she was in for 1 helluva fight. She WOULD be uncomfortable. She would hurt each day and she had to fight through it all.

Nurse:- Over the next few weeks and months, you will be calling David every name under the sun.

(No change there then ;-)

Nurse:- You will be pushed to your limits by the nurses because they want you to get better. But the biggest thing you will come up against is frustration etc....

It was a cracking spiel the nurse said (he used to work on a stroke rehab ward) and it really let kp and I know that hell is on the way, but that together we can crack it.

So quite a sad day overall, but it did have its highs later in the afternoon.

Jane, Marie and Michelle were by kp's bedside and were waiting for her to wake up. They were bored so they started singing to kp. We have worked out that we can tell when kp is awake by her heartrate on one of the monitors. When its about 60, she is out for the count and 70+ she is on the way to consciousness, 80+ and she is awake. So it was 60 and the girls were singing songs from the 70's in the style of pub singers. I wasn't there but apparently the girls were in stitches at their own performances.

kp's heartrate rose to 70. So they thought they were getting close. It stayed like that for a while as the girls carried on their renditions, until kp woke up. One of the sisters said

Sister :- We have been singing to you !! Songs from the 70's.
kp :- I know. But I thought if I kept my eyes shut, you might stop.

Another highlight of the day was when my mum and dad visited.

As soon as she saw mum and dad, she waved at them and the biggest smile came across her face. I bet Karen 5 quid that dad would cry within 10 seconds of her talking. You owe me 5 quid kp !!!!

Mum and Dad could see such a big difference. She was talking, joking and full of the essence of kp. They were thrilled to see such an improvement. It had been 10 days since their last visit.

When they left to go to kp+dp's house (to do the ironing (thanks Mum !)), Marie and I stayed on. Karen was very quiet. Solemn. Sad. She hardly said a word. She was exhausted. She was fed up.
It's awful to see her like that. It's at times like this, I wish the driver of the van could be aware of how much pain he has caused her, Angela and Kevin (and their families and friends). 2 years driving ban ain't enough !!

Until tomorrow.....


Blogger Nige said...

Dave, that's a lovely photo of you and Karren at the end of today's blog. So good infact I've set it as my desktop wallpaper. :oD

Karren, Terry and I would love to come and see you when you get settled in a new ward. Hopefully that'll be very soon.

Keep fighting!

love Nige, Terry & family.

11:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen & Dave What great photos
its nice to see that cheeky face! Karen a special note for you "You can do it" with the help and the support and all the love around you both you WILL get there.

Loads of love Bev
p.s. Hope to see you soon

11:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Karen and David, firstly Karen you have made fantastic progress i just cant believe what i'm reading half the time, you are bloody hilarious, how you keep up with your humour with everything you have been through and are going throught is amazing. WELL DONE YOU ... David your blogger is fantastic, what a hoot you are. Ive followed KP's journey from day one via txt forwarded by our Gillian, but now look forward to your blogger updates. I was at work reading a recent entry last Friday when two of my colleagues started to read the blogger over my shoulder, they questioned the circumstances and couldnt get over how far KP has come in 3 weeks, and totally loved your funny remarks David. I've since emailed them both the link and they avidly look forward to your witty updates. They have read the lot from top to bottom and both commented that KP is some woman and have laughed aswell as cried at what u have written. Thanks David for taking the time to let us all know how well KP is doing. I would love to come and visit Karen if thats ok but will have to wait for our dad( uncle Bernard ) to take me through. I a bit funny with roads i dont no, i been driving for 20 years and can just about manage to drive to Middlesbrough HE HE. anyway lots of love from cousin Susan, Lauren, Sophie and Poppy. xxxxxx

11:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi its me again, just wanted to tell you my friend / colleague Carole (1 0f the people who i sent the link to ) phoned me the other night in tears after reading the update about KP taking her frustration out of David, and Marie telling David that Lee was the same when he was poorly. She was so moved by what she read she wrote a comment about perspectives etc, but never put who she was, she was totally anonymous, so im letting u no who it was just incase you were wondering, my other friend / colleague who has the link is called Camille. xx

11:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting better David photos are brill this time. What a great day you have had KP.Now its time to get to work, you have come so far in such a short time Karen but it will be a hell of a slog from now on so keep it up girl,we all know you can do it.David you are in for a ruff time of it from KP but after what you have been through up to now you can take it lad.Keep it up both of you Margo

8:12 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your recovery is awsome. You've proved beyond doubt that you are even tougher than the vegetarian sausages you cooked for me.

We're all behind you down south, and check into this website daily, and every day are amazed by your progress.

Stick with it.

With love

11:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David and Karen. Fantastic photo's, its great to see Karen doing so well. I knew you were getting better Karen when you insisted your fruit was "washed first". LOL.
Keep fighting, and i'll see you soon hopefully when your a little better.
Well done David too, you've done a fab job and the blog is great.

Love Sue and "Wor Gaz".

4:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Karen and David,
This is Sue Knights friend Carole, I posted something the other night anonymously. As you can see, Sue has explained who I am. I love reading this blogg site. You two are inspirational, a credit to both of your families. They must be so proud of you. I am and I've never met either of you!!! Keep up the good work both of you, love the picture at the end of Mondays entry. Carole P x

6:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kp...what can i say...lost for words...and thats not easy with me....your doing a great job.. ;-)

David...well your one in a million too....well done..and keep ya chin up.. ;-))

love Marshy...

10:35 pm  

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