Saturday, June 18, 2005

Day 51 - Saturday 18th June - Part One

Good Night's Sleep

Ate a good breakfast, but was too tired for lunch after an exhausting bedbath and change into clothes. When she got into the chair, I wheeled her outside for some fresh air. It was boiling and kp enjoyed it as much as she could given her bum was starting to hurt.

Only stayed 45 minutes in the chair, but enjoyed the time outside.

Adele, Michelle and Margaret are visiting today as Marie is enjoying a well-deserved birthday weekend in Cardiff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

David did I miss Maries birthday I have it as 23rd could you email me thanks.Well done you kp for doing own hand cream and stuff you are coming on realy well.You have been out sunning yourself today so have I we have to make the most of it we dont get that much do we.Glad to hear you have been having lots of laughs they say its the best medicine so keep it up girlMargo

10:16 pm  
Blogger David Pollard said...

Yes, it was on Friday Margo. Sorry, dunno your email address.

2:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there, what a fab pic of you and david..and one of the dog's(sorry dont know there names)
outside and all sorts...have been away for a few days so get to chatch up with the omnibus edition ....much more interesting than ender's tho....
called into see angela today, she sends her love and says you've chatted on the phone, she's hopeing to see her baby(dog again dont know the name)
your doing great kp, keep up the good work..and happy belated birthday to Marie...
love debsxx

4:30 pm  

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