Monday, July 04, 2005

Day 67 - Monday 4th July 2005 - Part One

Cracking Night Sleep last night. She said she slept from the last phone call she made to me (about 10pm) all the way through until 7.30am. Wahey !

She ate all her breakfast.

The bedbath was a bit of a let-down really, as I haven't cracked changing the sheets on my own. But I'll get there.

Unfortunately, the bedchair seems to be broken. I spent about 15 minutes trying to fix it while kp snoozed and then had to give in and report it broken. A nurse (Mr Vol au Vents) came over from Intensive Care to have a look but he came to the same conclusion.

Fingers crossed that we can get a replacement asap. kp was delighted it was broken as it meant she doesn't have to go in the chair for lunchtimes. I am devastated as it means I can't have a really good snooze.

We both had a bit of a snooze in the end and then the physios arrived. The senior physio worked on kp's weak arm/hand, doing lots of exercises and then finished off by asking kp to move her hand in various ways. She can
  • clench her fingers on request
  • unclench them (but not quite as well as clenching them)
  • bend her thumb at BOTH joints independently (which is good)
  • identify which fingers he was bending
  • identify if they were in a bent or straight position when asked.
He didn't ask her to move her arm at all on this occasion. But fingers crossed that this will come in time.

The senior physio then had to leave and the other physio worked on loosening up kp's legs. After about 10 minutes of leg work, the physio moved kp's right leg to a particularly high position and kp couldn't help but fart.

We all laughed (including kp)

kp :- Sorry
Physio :- Would you like one lump or two with that ?

More laughter.

dp:- That's going in the blog.

During the physio, the orthopedic registrar had come up to have a look at kp's bottom cheek wound that had the problems the previous night. So everything stopped as the physio and nurses moved kp so he could get a better look.

The nurse took the dressing off and the registrar examined the wound and pushed the outsides of it, and loads of the gunk oozed out. He did this for about a minute until no more exudate came out.

kp:- Is there lots coming out ?
nurse:- Not as much as last night
nurse:- But, it's better out than in.
Physio:- That's right isn't it Karen (referring to the farting episode).

kp got it instantly. It took me about 10 seconds to realise the humour. Doh !

The registrar is arranging for an x-ray to look at the wound from a different angle. Don't think it's anything to worry about.

Should know more later


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey the hell can you talk about kp's bum...the men she's had look at it and all you know of kp...and fail(dismally i have to add) to mention the little fact....that KP FARTED........come on girl....ive never laughted so much...the thought of 'mrs Bucket'

kp your a star..wait till lyd reads that one she'll no doubt hand your notice in for

i'l look for another postion for you...maybe at the vicerage!!!!!! 'more sugar in your tea vicar..'lol

ok ive got Tony Blackburn here..he has a late entry for the pop quiz...over to you tony....

ok all you pop-tan-tas-tic blogger's out there..we have coming in at no 11....
Chairmen or the Board...1974 with 'give me just a little more time....
she sang it all day...(drove us nutts...she carnt sing

ok that all from Me, Tony and the whole gang, down here at blogg'sville back to Titter's...

god dont he gon

well kp...the thumb move's are fab...but plz take veronica's advice and dont dance like you hitching a lift

kev came in to see us all today at consett..he looks good, but isnt fairing so well in the pain department, he'd ran out of pain killer's and was in agony...still he text to say he was feeling better when he got home...
well chuck am off to get me bloody starveing....

watch what your doing and will speak

9:33 pm  

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