Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Day 117 - Tuesday 23rd August

Over 12 hours sleep for kp. But, she looked a bit more refreshed than the last couple of days.

I took my laptop in for kp today as she wanted to dictate a letter to her work colleagues to thank them for a present. In fact, I have taken my laptop in every day for the last week but we never got round to it until today.

Bit of background info, yesterday, kp had asked me what I was missing about her and I told her what I was missing. She then asked

kp:- "Do you not miss me making you laugh ?"
dp:- "I don't remember you making me laugh ?! You didn't used to make me laugh. I used to make you laugh !"

Back to today, during the dictation of the letter to work coleagues, she said something like "I did my first move from a wheelchair to a bed the other day. Yippppeeeeee", but when she said yippee, she actually sung it, like you would when really saying "yippee". I laughed, and asked her how she wanted that typing.

kp:- I thought you said I didn't make you laugh !

We found this amusing.

kp's swollen arm has gone down nicely today. It is not back to normal, but the raising of it and the moving of fingers etfc that we have been doing has obviously helped.

kp got weighed today. I am not allowed to report her weight on pain of "pickled testicles", but I can get away with writing that she has lost a pound since her last weigh-in.

She was generally aching today and has some breakthrough pain, and was keen for the bath to ease the aches and pains. I don't need to report that she loved the bath.

After lunch, we snoozed for 90 mins or so before physio.

You could tell today that kp hadn't done physio for a few days. The movements she found so easy last week were a bit more taxing today. I think the main man was going to start the session with a transfer from the chair to the bench, but as he was preparing her for the move, it became clear that her left arm was giving her jip and instead he worked on this and hoisted to the bench.

He did some muscle strengthening moves and finished the session with quite a few stands which weren't as strong a stands (from kp's perspective) as last week. The main man said that is to be expected given that we didn't do as much pre-strengthening routines. The finale was a transfer from the bench to the chair. He offered kp a choice of whether she wanted to be hoisted or try a transfer. The star she is, she opted for the harder route.

The transfer wasn't as strong as last weeks, but I feel sure by the end of the week, it will be stronger than Friday of last week.

After the physio session, kp had blood seeping trough her buttock wound dressing, through her shorts and onto the sheets. This was redressed. I got a good look at the wound today, and it looks a lot better than last I saw it (about 10 days ago). There is still a bit of sluff at the top, but less than before.

At about 4pm, Marie, Michelle and Jane arrived and within minutes, we were laughing our heads off as we always do when Jane comes. She was telling us about the things she used to say when she was on the market stalls in Middlesbrough. I'll end this blog entry on Jane's cucumber sales pitch.

"Come on up ladies. Get your cucumbers here. Give your husband a rest for the night. We'll chop it in half if a full one is too big for you."

We were in stitches.

I'll not mention how she sold black grapes !


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