Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Day 131 - Tuesday 6th September

Bath followed natter. She was very glad of the bath as she had really cold feet. But the water was so hot, she had to be lowered in the bath bit by bit over the course of what seemed like an hour. Probably about 3 minutes.

After the bath, kp had a new gadget fitted instead of a catheter bag. It's like a little tap, but with no bag attached. It gives kp the sensation of needing the loo. It's to train the bladder (a muscle apparently) to understand full and empty. And also to encourage it to not think it's full when its not (if that makes sense). From now on, kp needs to say she needs the loo and we come and turn the tap on and drain the bladder. After a while on this, the catheter will be removed.

It was then time for lunch. Chicken Casserole and Roast Potatoes. It looked lovely, but kp wasn't impressed. I finished it off for her. It did have a funny aftertaste, you could say "kick".

Snoozetime after lunch. I was knackered and was out like a night and didn't wake up until my alarm went off at 2.25pm.

kp needed the loo by this stage and we drained her bladder for the first time - worked a treat.

Physio today started with a transfer from the wheelchair to the bench with the "turner" (the gadget that turns when kp is standing on it). Her stand was VERY strong, and she made it look very easy.
  • Lots of different exercises today.
  • Leaning on her right hand and twisting (from the sitting position).
  • Holding the halfway position between sitting and standing
  • Holding the halfway position between sitting and standing and then whilst doing that twisting to the left, right, left, right etc... Very strenuous stuff
A table was then brought in and the main man positioned kp's left hand on one side of the table, kp put her right at the other and then she did some press-ups from the table

Whilst halfway between sitting and standing, she then had to move her right leg to the left and then right. Very hard to do with her weak left leg taking her weight. She ended up shuffling it, but hey she did it.

Physio over, we went for a sit outside (beautiful day) and on the way out passed one of the physios. As we passed, kp was "having a go" at me for faffing and wasting time in getting outside. A little marital dispute if you will. The physio was typing away at the computer and could hear this and I could see her smiling as she typed on the computer. She was dying to laugh.

dp:- Are you ok there X ?
X:- I am fine (big smiles)

I told kp what I had seen and it really broke the ice and kp was laughing at herself.

Jane and Marie arrived and we had a cup of tea with them in the dayroom and started organising the cleaning of the house ready for the royal visit, which kp is gonna try and wangle for Thursday now.


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