Friday, December 02, 2005

Day 218 - Friday 2nd December

For the first time today, the home help lady let herself in the house by way of the keysafe. I was washing the dogs down at the time.

As soon as breakfast was over, we were on the way to physio. We used the blue badge for the first time today. We had been using my improvised version uptil today.

Physio today was good. kp explained to the physio that she had been suffering from a lot of pain this week and was especially stiff around the neck. The pain was because one of her patches was duff. The physio went to get some product from her native country (Anti-flamme) and started massaging it into kp's neck for about 10 minutes. It is a bit like Deep Heat but smells of peppermint and has a cooling/heating effect apparently ?!

It did the trick and kp was feeling a lot better. The physio suggested that kp may benefit from some light massage sessions, so that is something we will try and sort out.

With kp's neck a lot looser, kp laid down on the bench and the physio worked her left arm to see the range of movement.

kp could get it farther than I have seen her do it with me.

After doing a few exercises with her left arm, kp sat upright and the physio got a cup and got kp to practice bringing it to her mouth with her left hand and attempting to tilt it as if there was some drink in there. She did very well. If there were any liquid in there, it wouldn't have made it to her mouth and would have adorned her t-shirt, but the fact she can get it so high is an improvement. She needs to work on the strength and the control somewhat, but it's a start.

Physio over, we went home and kp snoozed from 1.30pm until 4.45pm.

We went for a meal tonight with Tommy & Eileen and my mum and dad. It was a lovely meal and even better it was Mum/Dad's treat. The "free" meals always taste better to me. Even better, it was the "Pump House" in Durham and they do lovely food. I was too full as was kp.

Straight home to bed.

Thanks Mum and Dad - it was lovely. Thanks Tommy and Eileen for coming and providing the chauffeur service.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi... dont know if Karen can remember me, I work at the Blood Service, Jan Ware. Anyway - I read the blog daily and noticed that Karen may benefit from some massage, well...I'm a qualified, if i can be of any help, email me..

11:34 pm  

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