Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Day 264 - Tuesday 17th January 2006

Today, we didn't know if we were coming or going.

I was up at 3am because I couldn't sleep and didn't go back to bed. By 7am I had walked the dogs and was raising the dead (Karen). I asked her to do her exercises while I got her clothes ready and checked my email. She started doing them on one side. When I returned, she was fast asleep.

At 9.25am we were at the opticians. After the big delays last time, they really looked after us today. We skipped straight to the front of the queue and by 9.30am we were in.

It was just the usual eyetest you get when you have your eyes tested for a prescription. I tried to take a photo of kp with the funny specs on, but it didn't quite come out.....

The tests lasted about 25 minutes. We know kp's right eye doesn't work very well, so that was old news. To help her read, the optician recommended a certain strength of glasses. We'll get her some glasses in due course.

From the optician, we went to Costco to get some shopping in, then onto Interlink to pick up a parcel. We then went home to find Marie had hoovered the house. We had a cup of tea (5 minutes worth) and then straight off to physio. Whilst kp was in physio, I nipped off to get the back tyres changed on the car. We nearly got them changed at Costco until we found out the price (£94 PER TYRE). I got 2 done at K J Tyres in Sunderland for £84.

kp did very well at Physio today. She had religiously done her exercises and regular blog readers will remember she couldn't get ANY pins in the holes last week. Today, she got 3 in !!!! Her difficulty is not so much lifting them as the care needed to get them in the holes.

The physio showed kp a model shoulder blade so she could show kp how her arm moves incorrectly and how it should move. I think it helped her !

The physio also commented on the improvement in kp's hip muscles. Nice one kp !

Physio over, we went home and had some lunch with Marie who had done even more cleaning/tidying. At this point, kp was exhausted and wanted a snooze. We had the loveliest of snoozes. Both out like a light. Poor Marie. She came, jobbed on and only saw kp for 30 minutes when she woke up at 6pm.

Our washing machine packed up this afternoon to finish off a really full day. I tried to fix it, leaving water all over the utility room floor :-(

I didn't find anything wrong (me, the washing machine engineer). So, fingers crossed, unblocking a filter (that wasn't really blocked) may help ?!

Full day. Tomorrow is quieter with only the OT visiting to show kp how to do a sandwich with one hand. kp is quite looking forward to it.


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