Friday, January 27, 2006

Day 274 - Friday 27th January 2006

A very tired kp again today after an AWFUL night's sleep. She got up at 2.30pm after the plumber had been to try and fix our boiler. After breakfast we changed her patch and knocked it down to 75ug of Fentanyl. Hopefully, she won't be as tired on that.

At 3.30pm, she went back to bed until Marie arrived at 6pm.

That's about it.

kp recalled a funny incident from last night. I had been drinking a lot last night, and she said I woke up in the middle of the night, sat bolt upright and said "Have we had tea yet ?". kp said "no", and apparently I went straight back to sleep. I have absolutely no recollection of getting to bed or the alleged incident :-(

Tonight is the final of Celebrity Big Brother which I am sure we will be watching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Karen an David,
I havent had time to catch up on the blog for a while but have done so today. What a great read, cried about your trip and the shock you gave Michelle being on the plane.How well are you doing Karen I cant belive how much you have achived is a few short weeks. Walking the dog, cooking a meal and best of all taking a holiday and on an airoplane at that. WELL DONE KID dont worry if you have a few bad days I have noticed while reading that they are few and far between now a days, you may not think that but not reading the blog for a while I noticed it that most days are good to what they used to be.We (hubby and I) have had a few days away and it seems to me you did a lot more in 3 days than we did in 5 so there you go it shows how well you are doing keep it up both of you Love an Hugs Margo

2:03 pm  

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