Saturday, March 18, 2006

Day 324 - Saturday 18th March 2006

Well, it truly was a fantastic day today. kp has "never laughed so much in her life" (her words). It was so good to see her laugh so much after such a long "dark" period.

The girls left at about 12am I think, maybe a little after and kp was asleep by 12.30am although she was still offering them a cup of tea at 12am !!!

The most memorably moment of the evening was Lydia's telling of her "Shiney Row" experience. Unfortunately, I have probably said too much already, but it was a corker.

We did have a brilliant day and night and it was so good to see kp in her element.

Today, we took Cleo to the vet, meaning kp had to get up before God at 8.30am. The vet wasn't sure what the lump was but Cleo had a temperature so she thinks it may be an infection. We came away suitably equipped with antibiotics. Fingers crossed.

kp was straight to bed to catch up on her lost Z's when we got back.

At 1.30pm, the Donovan clan arrived (Marie, Adele, Abbie and Louisa). We had a great time with them as well. I seemed to be the kid's entertainer, while the girls gossipped. I seem to be getting better at managing kids. One on my knee drawing while helping the other one compile a cd compilation album of Sugababes and Gwen Stefani. Throw in the added knee bounce for the little one to the music and it kept them all happy.

My only complaint is kids should come equipped with "pause" buttons or a "snooze" button like an alarm clock, but that aside it was a great day. Great to see kp back in the swing of things.

Pizza night tonight.

A little funny from yesterday. kp couldn't get on the massage table for her massage, and although i could have lifted her up, it would have probably dislocated something or other, and been very painful. After a bit of thinking, I had to get the large step ladders for her to climb on the first step to get her bum on the table. Day off tomorrow, before quite a busy week.


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