Friday, May 27, 2005

Day 30 - Friday 27th May - Part One

The day after the awful day

Well, its 4pm and I have come home to sort the dogs out. Marie is staying on until I go back about 6pm.

I was hoping today couldn't be any worse than yesterday and my hopes were realised. kp was feeling more positive today.

Last Night carried on being a negative experience for kp. She needed attending to in the night and couldn't find the buzzer. She said she had been calling out for help but noone had been forthcoming.


Last Night, Marie asked Yvonne if she could get in for 8am, which she did. It sounds like Yvonne had been quite firm with Karen and not given in to the emotional blackmail that other family members (myself primarily) are so prone to. Karen responded well to this approach. I may take a bottle of brandy in and try to be firm myself :-)

I had told her that we were going to have a family conference and as soon as we were all present, kp pressed the issue and got the conference underway. Present were the 5 sisters (Karen, Marie, Michelle, Yvonne and Jane (the new adopted sister)). We now have a plan of attack which kp is happy with.

Cover is as follows
8am - 11am. Jane.
11am - 1pm - dp
1pm - 6pm - Marie
6pm - 8pm Yvonne
7pm - eyes shut - dp

This should also be good for us, so we don't get too exhausted for what will undoubtedly be a long haul.

Big thanks to all the sisters who have offered help. And to the "Pretend Friends" !! :-)

The Video
Karen's work colleagues had put together a sketch to cheer her up. I put it on my laptop so I could show it to her on a bigger screen than the camcorder. Marie brought in a big flat magnifying glass and we all gathered round the laptop. kp was very eager to see it and thoroughly enjoyed it - big smiles appeared on her face. I don't think she could see the detail of it, but she knew the voices and spotted the odd person when her eyes focussed correctly. I feel sure it will get quite a few replays and will provide many more laughs. Thanks VERY much to kp's team for this. Little advice for all of you involved. DO NOT QUIT the National Blood Service. You will not be getting acting careers ! If it had been professional actors it wouldn't have been half as much fun ! Hope noone is offended by that. I'll find out next time I give blood :-)

Karen has MRSA again in her head wound. Her head wound incidentally is pretty horrific. I have seen it undressed and you get the impression if you put your finger in it, you could touch the brain. I have resisted the temptation so far.

So it was barrier nursing today. Gowns and Gloves.

Abbie's Visit
Abbie, (Karen's niece's daughter), visited today. She enjoyed dressing up as a doctor (she is 8) and sneaking up on Karen. Karen was very pleased to see her. I think Abbie may have been a bit surprised at seeing Karen in a hospital bed not looking her usual million dollars. But she braved it well.

So, all in all, a lot more of a positive day. I am feeling a lot better because Karen is. I just hope she gets a good night's sleep tonight, but I will do another shorted blog entry before bed to report on her evening.

If you would like to visit Karen, then we would welcome the visitors and it would keep Karen mentally stimulated. Visiting Hours are 11am - 1pm, 4pm - 8pm. We'll break the visiting into 1 hour slots, so if you would like to visit, please ring Marie on either 01642-284812 or 07961-346149. You may have to leave a message as Marie is at the hospital a lot and won't be able to ring back until she is out of the hospital. Please leave your name, phone number and preferred date/time for visiting. Marie will get back to you to confirm its ok.

Thanks !!

Until later...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you have had a better day David,it will give you the strength to carry on. No doubt you will have many more bad days but the good will soon out number them.
I had a little chat to Karen today, it was so nice to here her voice now I do know she is on the mend.I heard a song on american idol tonight and it just brought you both stright to mind it was called A Long Road Home, thats what kp and dp have got so keep on walking Margo

10:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to take the words out of kp's mouth.......'how rude'.... and here was i and the rest of the team getting our glad rags on for the 'ecademay awards'/...maybe even a bafta!!!! then again who am i was great fun to make and well as you can see no budding elizabeth taylor' kp had a up day..and im sure with the help of family and friends then you'l both weather anymore that come along... have thought of you most of the day kp,your in my,and others thoughts alot..but today was differeant...getting ready tonight the radio was on sad fm...and they played needle in a haystack....a classic of northern soul...remembered the day you and spud did a little jig for us miss you and your unique humor hun....will ring marie soon to arramge a visit with my 'homey' and meet super thong...keep smileing and hey chin up you ...reguards to dp too/....

11:47 pm  

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