Monday, May 30, 2005

Day 33 - Monday 30th May - Part One

The day where the stitches got removed

Last Night
I am pleased to be able to report that Karen had a much better night. She was much more settled generally and the Diazopam must have been the icing on the cake as well. She did, however, ring Marie at 1.30am to say she had had a bad dream about me. But it didn't seem to phase her too much.

When I arrived, she was very excited to tell me something. When you visit Karen, you have to put a gown and gloves on and Karen always knows I drop my bag in the room first before gowning.

kp:- Morning, I have something exciting to tell you
dp:- Fantastic, don't tell me yet, wait until I have my gown on.

Marie and Karen tittered. Karen had bet Marie that I wouldn't want to hear the news until I had gowned and entered properly. It's great to be so predictable !

The news was that kp was having all her stitches and staples out today (apart from the trachy ones).

Stitches Out
I watched intently as the nurse took them out. She has about 12-14 stitches from the top of her chestbone down to and below her belly button and about 40 staples across her waistline.

I got a bit bored watching, so asked if I could do it. To my surprise the nurse said "Yes". Wahey !! Call me Nurse David in future. I only removed about a quarter of Karen's staples but it was great. When I asked if I could put some staples across Karen's lips, she said "no". You can't have everything I suppose ! :-)

Improvement in Care
Today has seen a further increase in the level of Karen's care. Big thanks to Marie for catching the Head Honcho and speaking to him.

General Health
Karen has been in good form today. She is not eating as much as she should still, but I will read Margo's comments out to her, maybe that will do the trick ! :-)

Further update later.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI to all bloggers out there,i have just had an audience with ( SUPER THONG) AKA the one and only karen pollard.It was amazing to see KP,who is doing really well aided by her trusty sidekick nurse DAVID Pollard,with karens wonderful sisters.Karen is on top form,and has had a quick leg over,whilst doing a workout,(NOT JUST A PRETTY FACE,FLEXIBLE TOO.!!!) Karen your progress is staggering to see,you will be morder on the dance floor in no time at all,( murder spelt wrong on purpose,read this to kp the way i have wrote it and it will make her smile i am sure. LOTS OF LOVE AND KISSES LYDIA XXXX

7:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi David

Paul Anderson was in Manchester office last week. he told me about your wife, I felt very sad, David all my sympathies are with you, and I will remember you and your wife in my prayers, on Wednesday I am going to MECCA in Saudi Arabia on a religious pilgrimage, I will keep you's in my prayers there as well. May Allah (God) give your wife a healthy life. i will keep reading updates.

shakeel ahmed

11:11 pm  

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