Monday, July 04, 2005

Day 67 - Monday 4th July 2005 - Part Two

kp had her X-ray this afternoon. The X-ray department wanted kp to go down to them, but the nurses were great and very persuasive at getting them to come to her with a portable x-ray machine.

The results are unknown yet. I think there is a slight chance kp may need a bit more surgery on this wound. I think I overheard the nurses discussing it and they may need to WIDEN the wound in order to encourage it to heal. It's as if it has settled at the size of hole it is (about 1cm). It's quite deep also. I have avoided the temptation of sticking a pencil down, or dropping a coin and waiting for the bang when it hits the bottom.

Foodwise - kp has done marvellously today. 9 1/2 out of 10. All breakfast, all lunch, half a dinner which I wouldn't have touched and then had 2 slices of fruit loaf with butter and a cup of tea. Very pleased with that !

The bedchair has ceased to be. It is an ex-bedchair. The company who makes them has gone bust.So, the sister is trying to find the right kind of bedchair for kp and will order one from a different supplier. Hope it comes soon, as I miss wheeling kp outside and yes, I miss my nice snoozes. I hope the new chair has lots of buttons with some go-fast fire stripes.

Really cracking night tonight also. kp and I had some real good conversations about the future, coming home, practicalities and we both benefited from having a bit of private time where neither of us was too tired to talk. It was great !

She has generally had a real good day today. So visitors-wise, we are back on for anyone who wants to visit Karen. To arrange a date/time, please call Marie on 01642-284812 or 07961-346149. Thanks !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,BLONDIE,wait till titters reads the blog for monday, HA HA LO LO LOL !! KP I HOPE YOU TOLD DAVID THIS MEANS A HANDING THE NOTICE SCENARIO,as titters would say ( i ll name that tune in one ). What a hoot and well worthy of a good belly laugh or two.David , oooops KAREN i am sorry your bed is out of commision for a while,but a good excuse for proper snuggles!! NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK. KP, i am so pleased your up to visitors again,titters and i will be in again soon,but promise,no ( HIGH KICKS ) ha ha LOL !!! LOVE TO YOU BOTH XXXXX LYDIA X

9:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there....again...just read lyd's blog.....i forgot to name that me think.....just play it again SAM(kp)

and once more.....yup ok i got it now....

'76 tronbones in the big brigade' a hundred and one kites
just got the updat the visitin order's are up for grabs while you still up.......count me fact will ring marie and bring loop with me ...about time the Platinum club was reunited...dont you

see you asap.....
windy pop'

love to you all debsxx

ps david what was the score on the quiz....come on if were going to be winner's then we need the

love debsx

9:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

david cancell last 22...poor show....never mind well done you lot there on the front line....31....great score....
loo forward to the next one...debs

9:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAHEY Karen , full meals at last thats what i like to hear girl.I know you have not been to good but I worry bout you not eating thats what grannys do.well done on the quiz i got 2 wrong.When you get your arms moving (soon i hope)you will have to have a laptop up there and blog yourself its good, David keeps us well entertained but it would be good to hear from you and it would be good exersise for you. I am getting better on cp. now and my spelling is getting much beter (i found spell checker) only joking. Once again keep up the good work all Margo

12:08 pm  

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