Saturday, August 27, 2005

Day 121 - Satuday 27th August - Part Two

kp had a very quiet afternoon with Michelle. By quiet, I mean that she wasn't full of beans or in the mood for talking.

When I arrived this evening, she told me that she can sense her mood is changing. :-( I forgot to mention that the other day we had both had a talk about the situation and we had both said that we were fed up with it now :-

dp:- It's like "ok, we have had the accident, we've done the lying in bed thing, we've done the trying to stand thing, right now let it end and let's get back to normality"
kp:- Yeah, that's it exactly.

I want kp home, she wants to come home. I think we both (kp moreso) have to come to terms with a different reality. It's easy to say "this is a long haul trip", but to live it, well that's the tricky bit. There are no easy answers, there is no right thing to say, there is just a big challenge ahead. Technically, she has travelled the hardest part of the road, and she was asleep for that, so following that through, if she is awake, she'll be able to crack anything.

I sense a little dip in the road ahead, but when it's needed kp will bring out her shovel and fill it in and then ride all over it with a steam roller. :-)

Tonight was subdued. We enjoyed the X-factor and our pizza, but it was a small bit of sun shining through a cloudy room. She was tired after that so didn't have any more thought processes left to mull over her situation.

Tomorrow is a new day and we think, (but aren't sure), that vdfromboro (Veronica Dennison from Middlesbrough) is visiting tomorrow. That should perk kp up no end.

And then we have the Bank Holiday Get-Together for Adele's Birthday, so some nice bits of action to keep her mind off things.

Fingers crossed !



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