Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Day 97 - Wednesday 3rd August

Not a good day today.

kp was very "quiet" when I went in.

dp:- Are you alright love ? You seem a bit flat ?
kp:- I am not flat, I am quiet.

She just wasn't the usual kp of the last few days. She had soup tomato soup and a couple of buns for lunch, but it was not a chatty lunch. Physio soon followed and within a minute of the physios coming for Karen, they asked the very same question I had when I came in.

We went to the physio room as per usual and today was going to be sitting forward exercises. Shortly after getting kp sitting upright, she was feeling nauseous and called for a sick bowl. We had a wretch or two, but no sickness, but the physios asked if she still felt up to physio. She didn't so we went back to the bedroom where she slept for about 2 hours solid after taking her anti-sickness medication early.

Debs (work colleague) was supposed to visit this afternoon and she asked me to cancel her. Debs was very understanding.

During kp's sleep, the orthopedic consultant who had worked kp at the beginning and the other week (for the 2 ops) came to inspect his handywork. He was happy with the wound and how well it is healing. He said that it will gradually close from the inside. He tipped us off about the fact kp is going for a urology x-ray on August 15th to assess if there is any bladder damage remaining from the accident. They pump dye into kp's veins and x-ray her at the same time. He said it is just a precaution, but that there was significant bleeding from the bladder when kp first came in (1/2 pint of blood lost from bladder) and that they want to make sure it's all ok now. The nurses tipped him off about kp's sickness today. He said he would check with the microbiologist to see if kp can come off some of her antibiotics. 30 minutes later, she arrived to confirm that she can :-) The idea being that they could be contributing to the nausea.

Abbie and Marie arrived and kp woke up about 4.30pm. She seemed ever so slightly more perky, but not anyway near as perky as she has been.

Let's hope tomorrow she feels a lot better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont worry David,
Karen may still have off days because she is still not 100% and when you think about it everyone has them. Keep you chin up lad, no doubt Karen will be feeling better today if not today then tomorrow.
Has Marie told you I am working with the childrens play schemes over the hols. I have been working with special needs children I always said I couldnt do it but I am realy enjoying it and that is down to you Karen, David and Marie it has made me think the dedication you all have to getting Karen well no mater how long it takes. If you can do that I can give these children a bit of my time an energy for a couple of weeks and now Im so glad that I have, they are so happy all the time and have so much to give its wonderful.Keep it up everyone Margo

8:34 am  

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