Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Day 90 - Wednesday 27th July

Arrived this morning to a keen-to-see-me kp. So keen, she pushed the TV out of the way and displaced the full water jug on her hospital table. The water saturated her and her sheets.

It was very tempting to go straight into the bath routine, but I was flustered by this and wanted a chat before bath, so I cleared up the mess and we chatted for a while.

Two hovis vans were having a race with each other on the A1(M) in busy traffic whilst I was on the way to the hospital. One of them cut me up. Thankfully, I was aware of what they were doing so only had to brake, not swerve. Anyway, I decided to "dob them in" as their vans had those "Let us know how our drivers are driving" stickers on. I couldn't get the freefone number on the bedside phone Karen has, so had to use the mobile. Half way through the conversation, the Sister walked in. I nearly died (mobile phones aren't allowed in the hospital). I looked as guilty as Marie when she hears someone else's mobile phone going off close to her in the hospital.

After our chat, we did the bath thing, which kp really enjoys. She made a point of telling me how much she enjoys them again today. I think this alternate days bath thing is killing her. She understands why, but wishes her wound better so she can get back to daily baths.

Lunch was skipped in favour of a late-lunch soup meal I had brought in.

Physio was hard again today. It consisted of kp sitting upright and reaching to another physios hands in mid-air. This meant kp was really using her torso muscles to maintain her balance despite leaning quite significantly over at times. One side was easier than the other. All of these things I can see are steps that will aid her standing up. It wasn't a great leap in my imagination to see one of the big leans forward being a prelude to her leg muscles then being used to stand up. Friday is the big day (we think), although it could be Monday/Tuesday next week. kp is really looking forward to "the day", but is also anxious at the same time about the amount of effort that will be required.

She was really sweating (or perspiring or whatever women do) today towards the end. I could tell it was really taking it out of her. One comical moment came when kp was asked to not bend her arm so much when she was reaching out. She really had to concentrate on straightening her arm, and it ended up with her, as one of the physios said, doing "amateur dramatics" to get her arm straight. I likened it to "Superman" going into flight mode. It was really funny to see. It looked so forced and unnatural. kp was laughing at herself.

It was one of those physio sessions where she couldn't wait to get back into bed however. When I lowered her back into bed, her eyes were closed before I had chance to remove the sling. LOL ! :-)

15 minutes after her eyes were closed, they were open again for her visitors (Michelle, Freddy and Ethan). Ethan (7 year old) was a little quiet at first, but soon picked up. He whisked me up and down the corridor in the wheelchair and then it was Karen's turn. He was very careful with her (MOST OF THE TIME). Without a bit of attention from us "grown-ups", I am pretty confident kp would have lost a toe or two by the time she got to the outside.

Unfortunately, one of the lifts broke as we went downstairs (not the one we were in), so this meant there was only one lift to get us back up. As we came back, this broke as well. This left the only way to get kp back to the ward is by the stairs. SUPERMAN to the rescue. Superman = Frank (the chap that saved kp's life). He just happened to be passing AGAIN ! He rang the appropriate people and in no time the lift was working. (PROBABLY NOTHING TO DO WITH FRANK, but the timing means he can "have this one on us" (ANOTHER FRANK MIRACLE)).

On the way to the "working" lift, we met up with the orthopedic surgeon that did Karen's initial pelvic ops and her recent "hole" wound. He had a chat to us before going to see the nurse who dressed the wound.

When we got back to the room, kp's consultant came to see her. He mentioned the visit home "in the next few weeks" and that she may be standing on "Friday". kp was well pleased that this was being said by kp's consultant as it made it more official.

So, a good and full day overall. I left kp in the hands of Michelle, Freddy and Ethan who are staying a little while longer. Marie is attending a funeral today :-(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Karen, overwhelmed at the progress, doesn't look like I can get in to see you before my hols on Monday, so I reckon you will be stood up, dancing and doing cartwheels by the time I get back in mid August!! Keep it up, I'm well impressed
Sue xxx

7:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well sister pollard,what can i say, i'm sorry i have made you really sick this time....but i am glad you are back to your cheeky little self...
lots of love Margaret
xx and my Robbie.xxxxxxxxxxx

12:23 pm  

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