Monday, July 25, 2005

Day 88 - Monday 25th July

Only one blog entry a day during the week now as the new shifts kick in. Weekends will probably be two-parters (1 part per shift).

Well, today was the big test. Would kp be ok on her own until 10am. Would GMTV keep her amused ? Well, the answer (for the first day) is an unresounding yes.

She didn't miss me at all. Not so sure I should take that as a compliment ?!

We went for the usual bath which she really enjoyed. After the bath, the Ward Sister came to check kp's buttock wound (the one from the operation). It looks much better. The doctor wanted a look as well, and he came equipped with a torch. I was holding kp up so her wound was facing the doctor, and once he put the torch up I kept peering to see if I could see inside. But being at the other side of the bed, I couldn't see in.

Doctor:- David, do you want to have a look.
dp:- No, you're ok.


dp:- Oh, go on then. It's not often you can see inside your wife.

The doctor pointed the torch, I peered. Wow ! It IS deep and it really looks well !! The only sloughy bit was near the opening. (slough = dead tissue that needs to come away). She is such a good healer our kp ! I would say it's about 4-5 inches deep. I put my mouth up to the wound opening and shouted "Helloooooooooooo". About 2 seconds later, a reply came back.

Unfortunately, the dressings that they stick inside the wound (intrasite conformable) need to stay in there for 2 days at a time to have an effect, which means we can't have a bath so often :-( kp is a bit pissed at this, but understands. So, next bath wednesday !

After the bath, kp snoozed until lunchtime. She got in the chair for lunch and enjoyed the Steak and Mash. Her appetite is great at the moment.

After lunch, she had another snooze until physio.

Physio was great today. The Occupational Therapist (OT) lead the session today while the physios assisted. We all had some really good laughs during the session and kp was a complete star. We took along cards and kp's scar healing cream (thanks Lydia) so she could use these items whilst being tested by the OT.

She did the cream first. kp sat upright (with assistance), but maintained the upright position without assistance. The OT put the cream out of her reach, so she had to bend forward to get the cream (without falling over of course). She did it fine.

After the cream, kp and the OT played cards, whilst one of the physios kept moving the deck of cards further and further from kp. kp did really well. Some of the reaches seem very far, and I find myself subconsciously doing the lean before kp attempts it to check it's possible. I must look stupid. During the card game, kp didn't notice that one of the cards that was visible on the table was there. It was down and to the left. This emphasises her sight problem. It's very strange. She can see things if they are down and to the left if she looks at them, but she doesn't see them generally. When she eats a meal (for example), she will eat the right half of the plate and think the plate is empty. But if you tell her, she'll see it. Similarly with water. If she wants a drink of water, she'll look on the table, but if the water is at all to the left, she doesn't see it until prompted.

Karen gets on really well with this team and they do a superb job of taxing her to the right level. She is knackered after the sessions but feels really rewarded for her efforts. At the end of the session, kp asked when she might be standing. The answer pleased kp.

Main Physio :- We'll try and get you standing at the end of this week, or the beginning of the next week. You won't be properly standing, but will be in the standing position but we will bear some of your weight for you.

I think about 4 physios will be involved for that session. Sounds very exciting.

I was telling kp after the session today, that I was looking at her sat there on the bench (unaided) and I could imagine her just standing up from that position. She'll get there.

kp mentioned her conversation to the physios about going home. The upshot of the conversation is that the OT is going to visit our house to assess it to see if it needs anything doing to it before kp comes home for a couple of hours visit.

That's about it for today. Marie took over at 4pm and will be staying until 6.30pm. It will be interesting to see how kp fares between 6.30pm and bedtime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY,BLONDIE, a home visit,wow weeee how good will that be,it just shows how well your OT sessions are going.Every time we see you the progress is astounding,and as you said you maybe dont realise how big these things are as you and DAVID AND MICHELLE are seeing the little improvements every day.I can imagine you soon pulling hand-break turns and wheelies in your customised chair,and the dice will come in handy,for the car,all you need is DAVE AND KAZ FOR THE WINSCREEN......HA HA LOL!! Wishing you all a good nights rest,and another positive day tommorrow. LOTS OF LOVE KP,thats a given.xxxxxxx lydia x

11:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry MARIE, calamity cock up again. LOT OF LOVE LYD X

11:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleased to hear that things have calmed down for you. Seems like you are making great progress what with the suped up wheels, they'll be no stopping ya! Bet you can't wait for a home visit lets hope they sort the assessment out sharpish. Going to ring Marie to arrange a visit before I go away for a couple of weeks, reckon you could be standing by the time I get there!!
Best wishes Sue

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kp...home !!!!!!!!! wel what can we say........bloody marverlous chuck.......glad your wheels are being admired too.....if it makes you smile then...thats what its all about....

bet your looking forward to the visit...the kids(dogs) will go one has a go at the

keep up the great work back soon...

love as per.....debsxxxxxx

6:45 pm  

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