Sunday, July 24, 2005

Day 87 - Sunday 24th July - Part Two

Well, this afternoon Karen had visitors in the form of Lydia and Deborah (from work). It was the visit of the war wounded. Marie didn't know if she should feel more sorry for Lydia or Debs or Karen. It was very good of them to come, given they weren't 100% themselves. Thanks you two !

Karen's text messages can be very persuading can't they !!!!

Anyway, they brought with them everything but the kitchen sink for Karen's wheelchair. The nurses helped them decorate it. It now has "L" plates, a side mirror, furry dice and some very funny stickers and probably more that I have forgot. "Lost : Husband and Wheelchair, Reward for Wheelchair" - Oh, how I laughed at that sticker !! :-(


It cheered kp up no end !!! I will take a photo with her in it tomorrow and post it on the blog. Thanks you two. I think the 3 of you work really well together and hopefully you all left cheered up, I know karen was !

Karen had a full dinner tonight, and then slept for 90 mins. I had to wake her up when I noticed that she didn't have any anti-embellism socks on. I had asked a nurse to get a pair, and even reminded her before I left ("I haven't forgot"), but still no socks. So she had been without for about 5/6 hours which isn't good. And she didn't like being woken from her beauty sleep, but needs must or the bloodclot kills.

We then had a good chat for an hour or so, before I left for the evening.

10am start tomorrow. Fingers crossed that kp can keep herself amused until then with GMTV. :-)

A couple of things which I meant to mention this morning.

Karen asked one of the Sisters on the night shift when she might go home for a visit. To her surprise, she is going to speak to the Doctor to see if it can be arranged. But, before she can come home for an hour or so, she needs to be able to use the banana slide to get from the chair to a bed etc.... She is looking forward to this as long as she is feeling on the day in question.

Also, one of the things I have noticed is that Karen seems to have less feeling in the left side of her face. She doesn't realise this herself, but will often have a rice crispie or a bit of gravy on that side and not realise to wipe it off. This never happens with the right side ?!?!?

I mentioned this to her today, and she was quite oblivious to it, but not overly concerned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Karen,

c'est moi, Sam. Glad to hear how fabulous you are doing darling. Your wheelchair sounds very groovy!! Will have to do that to mams! The wing mirror is the best idea!
I am sat at work, doing absolutely nothing again, its great!! N getting paid for it, can't be bad eh! Not been up to much, did a boot sale yesterday at redcar with mam and dad, we had a good laugh together! mam hid in the van though haha! Whats she like eh?!? when she did come out n sell something she let an antique vase go for £20 wen pa wanted £50, it needed restoring but was worth a small fortune! He was neee happy ahaha! I said just go and say to the man the loony woman in the wheelchair isnt all there and get it back haha, but he'd already left with his bargain buy! Oh well! we had a laugh!

Well i have probably bored u enough, hope u got my daft little note in the post t'other day! I better look like i am doing something eh!

Ur doing fantastic Karen, thats great news about maybe going home for visits! U will be there before u know it ma cherie!

Bisous et beacoup d'amour


4:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ps did u find out who moses is?? Hi e mail comes up when u click on his name, it says he is from mexico! hahah how bizarre eh! xxxxxx

4:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh last comment I promise, mam dad and martin all send their love xxxx

4:17 pm  

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