Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Day 82 - Tuesday 19th July - Part Two

The afternoon consisted of some sleep, a visit from the tissue viability nurse and the physios.

The physios took kp to a new location today. It's amazing how something as simple as this can spark interest. According to kp, they got her to sit on the edge of the chair and put quite a bit of weight on her feet without standing up. She said they were pleased with her progress. They have also took delivery of kp's new wheels. If anyone has any go-faster stripes or wheels of fire type stickers that they don't want or need, feel free to send them to

Karen Pollard
Room 2
Ward 22
Q. E. Hospital
Sheriff Hill
Tyne and Wear

Anything to brighten it up would put a smile on kp's face.

This evening was not a good evening for kp. It started with bowel issues from hell, followed by a waltz through the valley of projectile vomiting, ending up with "what's the point ?".

Poor kp. Mum and Dad visited again tonight and no sooner than they had arrived, they had to be kicked out for bowel reasons. When they returned, kp was tucking into chicken and chips, which she really enjoys, but halfway through this, she shouted "David", and threw up her dinner. She put as brave a face on as she could for Ma + Pa, but they could tell she wasn't upto much in the way of visitors and left.

She is very down at the moment. She is trying so hard at the moment to kick herself into good health. She ate every meal today as best she could, before throwing it up, so effectively, she hasn't eaten anything today. The nurses are aware of this. Of course, if you are sick so much, you are reluctant to try food, because you know the pattern. The nurses are going to raise this with the doctor tomorrow.

I spoke to someone today who suggested getting a psychologist in for kp. It had helped him with some similar issues. Excellent Idea and I mentioned this to kp tonight and she wasn't against it. I'll bring this up tomorrow.

So, not a good day generally. kp's last words to me before falling asleep tonight were

kp:- "I really hope I feel better tomorrow".

Me too love


Anonymous Anonymous said...


you got to keep ya chin up love if only to stop Titer's and Calamity from donning the super knicker and thong(her ass smaller tha mine :-())lol

as nurse calality says in last blog...were both off sick....and not just physically...what with broom shanks for loop and neck brace's for me...what a right pair we look...maybe we should call in and surprise you...then again your haveing enough trouble keeping ya meals down......so maybe not a good idea..
goner ring loop then marie see if we can co-ordinaite a visit this week..
keep smileing love and will be in soon....

love to all ma and pa too....have we asked them if they got another son hidden away???? lol
sorry....lydia is hopelessly happy.... me i just keep takeing the pills......lol

ok love am off to bed sleep well and see you soon.....
love to all on the front line too.....


10:44 pm  

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