Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Day 82 - Tuesday 19th July - Part One

Not a very good morning for kp :-(

Although she started with the best of intentions.

kp:- Why don't I get in the chair for breakfast each morning ?
dp:- Dunno, never thought of it I suppose. Do you fancy it ?
kp:- Not really, but I should.

I got kp into the chair.

She ate all her breakfast only to throw it all up when she took her tablets. Unfortunately she had just had her pain tablet when she threw up and this means she could be in pain later on as they don't reissue tablets when they have come out again.

Lots of bowel issues at the moments which really pisses kp off.

She isn't feeling mentally right at the moment. She is on a real low at the moment. She was concerned that she has had a bad 2 weeks of physio because of all the ops and next week the senior physio is going on his hols and kp was worried that she won't be progressing at all in that time.

I caught her other physios and asked for a word with them to tell them of kp's concerns and how down she was at the moment. They are going to pepp her up a bit this afternoon and give her some mini-goals to aim for and to reassure her that she will still be progressing despite the main physio's absence.

She has hardly spoken this morning and certainly not laughed or smiled at all. She doesn't see the point in carrying on, and when I came up with some things to look forward to at the end, she wonders "if it is worth it ?"

There is not much I can say at times like this apart from "You need bad days, otherwise we don't when the good days are good days" and stuff like that. I am no Socrates.

She didn't want any lunch and couldn't be arsed getting in the chair again. I just hope she picks up for dinner. Fingers crossed AGAIN !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi KP, come on chin up,your doing amazing,i know how you must be fed up,you being such an active person and always on the go doing stuff. i have had a few days off as my back in a bad way,the old walking like a broom shank up the ass,!! i was going to say( derriere )and be a little more lady like but ass is easier to spell !! ha ha . So titters has a bad back toooo, ( could it be the extra oxygen capacity putting a strain on her coxyx !! lol. So mrs P,i ll be in big trouble for that coment. KP,dont want to worry you but this could be time for ( super nickers )....and i suppose i am more like blunder woman.... gonna ring MARIE NOW and hopefully will be in soon,for a belly laugh or two. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU BOTH AND OF COURSE SISTER ACT XXXXX LYDIA

6:55 pm  

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