Thursday, July 14, 2005

Day 77 - Thursday 14th July - Part Two

kp had had a snoozy afternoon before going down to theatre at about 4.30pm. I arrived at 6.15pm to find an empty bedroom, so I assumed she was still down at theatre and Marie had gone to pick her up, so I went to Theatre.

I found kp lying on her bed, eyes wide awake staring into space. She was still a bit spaced out, but knew I had arrived. We spent 10 mins going through things with a theatre nurse before heading back to the ward. We entered kp's room with a slightly different maneuver than usual. We kind of went past the room, and then backed up a bit. This will become relevant later on.

kp's eyes stayed wide awake from 6.15pm until 9.30pm when we left. At 6.15pm, she was spaced, and gradually we felt her come back to normal. We knew she was definately back with us when she started getting irritable.

Let's get the key facts out of the way. The op went very well. All cleaned out of gunk and the gunk sent to the microbiologists. No sickness after the op. He temperature was very low 33'C when we got her back to the room. I was convinced the equipment was faulty, but the nurse was insistent that it was fine. I thought you were dead below 35'C and couldn't do ironing below 36'C but obviously not. The temperature was taken every 30 mins and went up to 37.2'C (perfect temperature) and then dropped to 36.5 before we left, which we are happy with.

Her blood pressure is fine and her sats (how much oxygen is being absorbed) was also fine.

Yay !! So far so good. The next couple of days will be the key days to see if infections kick in.

The irritable kp will no doubt revert to the normal kp tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

kp was very confused after the op. She thought the door to her room was a lift door and she was convinced she wasn't in her room. We got her to look at the cards on her wall and things that she knew were in her room, but nothing would convince her that she was in her room. She also said that it felt too closed in for her room, so we lowered the bed to the very lowest position. She was nearly on the floor. That felt a bit better, but still didn't feel like her room. At this point a very tall nurse came in to do kp's obs. She did a double-take at kp who was virtually lying on the floor. We raised the bed up for her.

kp couldn't settle at all. She was too unnerved at not being in her room. We thought that the way she entered the room wasn't the normal way and may have disorientated her. I suggested we push her (in the bed) back into the corridor past the kitchen and enter the room again describing everything as we passed. We did this. It must have looked very strange pushing kp up the corridor saying "This is the kitchen where hear all the clanging from." etc....

When we got to kp's room, we made a point of pointing to her Room Number and the pictures on her wall and I even banged the bed against the wall, the way I normally do when I need to move the bed in the room. As soon as she got the bang, and thanks to Marie's descriptions ....

kp:- Now I am in my room. This feels right.

Very strange, but funny.

So, kp is ok after her op and couldn't be better for the night's sleep ahead. Let's see what the next few days bring.

One last thing before I forget. Little funny incident. Marie and I were turning Karen on her side. I was at one side of the bed and Marie at the other. The bars on the bed were down. The bars are like an accordion in that if they are up they are wide apart, if they are down, they are very close together. In getting very close to the bed for the move, my penis had got lodged between the bars. Not drastic in itself. At this point, for some reason, Marie decided to move the bed down a bit at which point the bars got closer together. Well, with willy trapped, I had to very skilfully move down at the same speed as the bed and do a reverse pelvic thrust to dislodge. Mrs Bucket was oblivious to these antics and was not amused when I relayed this story to her.

Oh well... she'll mebbe laugh tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

0o0o0o0o er goodness dp...what a head line that would make....Man Trapped in bed frame....only the reverse thrust could save his

and i will say it for you kp...well really

kp i pray that they have all the infection and gunk out now...i mean come on..there's no more money sizes to referance your bum wound too...we've had the '5p' piece and the '10p' piece and i mean come on we're up to a 'ten bob' bit

had a quiet day today, but yeaterday was even better...was on the blood mobile with diane, peter,eilen and ann-marie....was a good day, had a good bit laugh, they all send there love...Diane is well and is waiting still for the appointment to have the chair removed from her i told her was going to tell you that and she just laughted so no need to panic)

ok chuck im off. will be thinking of you and hope to see you again soon..lots of love to all on the front line with you...
love and hugs

11:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey DAVID , LOL, DO YOU NEED nurses titters and calamity TO RIG UP A SPLINT..... can just see KPs face in the morning when you relay the tale.And as kp would say (HOW RUDE ) What a hoot !! Well done to you KP on jumping that hurdle. hope you have a good nights rest. night night lots of love xx PS DAVID i hope the CHILLO has taken the swelling down..........LOL LOL HURRY UP TITTERS I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!!!!!

11:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOOD NEWS to wake up to this morning,Im sooo glad the opp went well.Sorry to hear bout your mishap David you had better be more carefull in future dont want you in bed as well. Hope you are back to normal today KP and feeling much better.Keep up the good work team hugs all round Margo

7:04 am  

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