Monday, July 11, 2005

Day 74 - Monday 11th July 2005 - Part One

kp didn't go down to the Operating Theatre until 10.38am. You may think she would have been anxious waiting from 8.15am for over 2 hours, but she was very calm despite having no pre-med. In fact, so calm, she spent most of the 2 hours asleep.

The op went fine as far as we know. We may know more detail when the surgeon comes round to check on kp. The most I could glean was that she has had the wound widened and a drain fitted to drain the gunk out. I think she may need a further op in a few days to remove the drain.

When she came back she was quite lucid, but quite tired, so I just let her sleep. She was on Oxygen and a drip, but within an hour she was off the Oxygen and I suspect the same will be true of the drip by the time I return tonight.

Only funny moment today was when the nurse came (after the op) to check her blood pressure. kp is used to raising her left arm as they use this arm ('cos the stroke one is more cumbersome to get the cuff on).

Nurse :- I am going to put the cuff on your left arm.
kp lifts her right arm.
dp:- No, you're ok love, she is putting it on the other arm.
kp lowers her right arm and then
kp raises her right arm again

This occurred twice !

I think she was a little confused with the anaesthetic drugs wearing off.


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