Friday, July 08, 2005

Day 71 - Friday 8th July - Part Two - Addendum

Just had a phonecall from kp.

The consultant has been to see her to say they are operating on Monday morning to sort out the wound at the back. Apparently, there is an abscess somewhere in there and it needs a good clean out. kp isn't looking forward to it, but she understands it's one of those things that needs to be done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi karen and david, just to say how much im STILL in awe of your patience,love and strength,even in the times when you're both exhausted and fed up you've no choice but to keep working hard. everyone is still thinking of you and praying for your recovery karen, hopefully all the positive vibes can help some way to getting you a bit further along the path. Good luck with the op,i hope it provides some easing of pain for you. Take care of yourselves, lots of love, as always. xxx

11:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just think you will be free of gunk when you have opp and most likley pain as well. You might be able to get more comfortable so thats something to look forward to.
Its a bit scarey after everything you have been through but hope its over very quickly.Then it will be watch out KPs about.I can just see you in your new wheelchair with a cushion under your bum taking over the place making sure everyone is doing their job properly.Take care all Margo

12:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there, as the blog reads your a little apprehensive for the op monday...understandable i think we would all agree...but lets look on the possitive know me glass is always half full....(not big enough really)lol
1, it has to be less painful than it is now.....

2, you have been through worse...and are still smileing....

3, it will rid you of infestion.....

4, there's doctor's out there not seen you bum yet.....

and lastly...

David....or otherwise affectionatly known as sis pollard..
will no longer have the urge to poke pencil's into

have been fruit picking some lush extra sweet strawberrys, have washed and de-stalked, enough for two...(david and marie can fight it will drop then off at the hospital tomorrow morning..hope you feel up to trying some...

ok love keep smileing and will be thinking of you..
love Debsxxxx

10:13 pm  

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