Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Day 68 - Tuesday 5th July - Part Two

Karen is now happily in Room 2 on Ward 22. It is next to the kitchen and the nurses' station and is a much more central location ! Lots more activity, but still quiet if the door is shut.

The orthopod doctor has analysed the x-rays and to stop the bum cheek wound healing he has advised a certain type of dressing to be applied to kp's wound. If you imagine the wound to be one that you could stick your finger into, out of which comes loads of gunk, you wouldn't be too far wrong. The dressing that has been applied is like loft insulation in rope format, and this has been inserted into kp's wound to stop it healing up, allowing the gunk to flow out. The rope comes quite a bit out of kp, and it looks like a bit of touchpaper on a firework. But apparently, we are not supposed to light it, tempting though it may be.

The new room feels like home already. Marie has put all the cards up and everything is in the same relative position as the last room, which is great, as I get very easily disoriented. Until you look outside the room, you wouldn't know it's a different room.

kp was kn-ckered tonight. She had been down for a number of different x-rays. These had been ordered by the orthogod that is Mr Cross (from Sunderland). Lots of different and painful angled x-rays to ascertain how well kp is healing. Any movement on kp tonight was painful. I am pleased that her usual comfy position is still comfy so she should sleep ok.

The exciting news of the day is that I received a parcel at home tonight that contained a letter and cd from David Lodge. He is the chap that bought the Acorn Antiques tickets off ebay and sent an Acorn Antiques programme. He also said he would be sending something else that might cheer kp up, knowing she likes the musical Les Miserables. Well, he came up trumps and we are very grateful for his efforts and those of his Amateur Dramatic thespian friends. They had sent a specially compiled cd for Karen consisting of :-

A nice intro
A Les Miserables special
A "thousand years" lovely song (that suits mine and kp's situation beautifully) and
"Over the Rainbow" which Karen really likes.

All of the above are SUCH a kind gesture and we both REALLY enjoyed hearing all your efforts. When I played them to Karen, we both had tears in our eyes at different points. We both laughed at the "Les Mis" twist, but felt a great deal of love when listening to the "thousand years" song.

Thank you SO much David, Gary, Gina and Mike !!!! You have brought a great deal of joy to us both !!!

Here is David's Letter :-

Here are the songs they sent on the cd. Enjoy !
The Intro on the CD
The Les Miserables Twist
The Poignant Song
Over the Rainbow

Karen was fast asleep by 6.45pm tonight after a very eventful day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...



mind you look a bonny lass in ya flare's now dont you.....

ok news today is...kp..you'l laugh, well i hope so...

lydia today at Darlington central....ward runner...pick's you pod and shout's...in lyds best posh vioce...Mr John Laurn Obeeee (as in kp's vol o vent's)
up get's the gentleman...and smiles sweetly to our little loopy..(who grins back) and say's...it Laurn...O.B.E

well chuck never seen anyone go so red...she almost handed in her notice.... we roared with laughter even the donor joined in...it was a bit like your Mrs COD....Mrs COD...lol remember????
ok hun thats it im off to bed..am very tired...you keep up the great work and see you and you new room soon...love debssxxx

11:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen ;
Had me in tears again you know what over the rainbow means to me, but that song the poignant one made me cry as well. Its the first time I have heard it.It just says it all, about you an David Marie an me we have been through some sh-t the past couple or three years.Just shows what fighters we all are.SO keep up the fight girl you can do it and by the picks doing a grand job of it to. What happened to your hair band? Margo

9:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi KP, and DAVID,great blog entry, kp you look amazing,the hoist will give you so much more freedom, it wont be long and you will be having hydra therapy i am sure. The pictures are fab,all you needed was a fishing rod and the golden oldies of you and the sisters,well !!! EAT YOUR HEART OUT THE NOLAN SISTERS..Oh and yes i did make a bit off a tit of myself with mr O B E .But titters had an overall moment in her haste to answer a text in secret at work,oh yes ,she only ran into the cleaners cupboard instead off the ladies, HA HA .Off to get ready for work now ,hope you have a great day,look forward to this evenings blog to see what you have been upto. lots of love LYDIA XXX

11:41 am  

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