Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Day 69 - Wednesday 6th July - Part Two

kp slept a good part of the afternoon leaving Marie in crossword land.

The Prof (in charge of the whole Stroke Department) popped in to see how kp was progressing. He had big smiles and was very pleased with kp's progress, saying he had had good reports from various people which is great to hear. He said that he felt kp was over half the way there. At this, kp's eyes lit up. I think she thought he meant timewise rather than medical-wise.

kp ate well today generally. Still a few bowel issues which she has been prescribed an anti-biotic and "Ya" for. "Ya" is what is written down on Karen's prescrption sheet and is short for something else. My turn to set the quiz Ronnie. All answers gratefully received. The winner of the "What is Ya short for ?" quiz receives absolutely nothing apart from a bit of blogcred. You will have heard of it. kp had some "Ya" tonight and didn't like it but I think she will persevere.

Uneventful night with kp still suffering from aches and pains but less than this morning, so with a bit of luck, they will have gone tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all, just a small poem i was given today hope you think it fits the bill.
A the moment you may be thinking of how things used to be -
Before these trying times that have brought such misery,
Yet please stop and think a while of all that you have learned-
Of just how far you,ve traveled and all the corners you have turned.
So try always to remember
that this time wont always be,
For then you may look forward
To when you shall be trouble free.

It wont be long till then Margo

9:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT Poem Margo,

ok its good to hear your over half way....well done you and of course all the team on the 'front line'

its been a great day for duck today....pity you didnt have the chair you could have gone out side and david could have pushed you thro the

i read lydias blog of me doing a
Mrs 'O' was dead funny....

ok chuck will speak to you soon ...just wanted to say hi and well done karen your a little star..keep it up ....
love debsxxxxxx

10:43 pm  

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