Friday, July 08, 2005

Day 71 - Friday 8th July - Part Two

It seems like the bowel issue may be resolving itself according to Marie at handover.

kp was awake a good part of the afternoon which was nice for Marie.

It was a lovely day today. Hot in the sunny, but cool in the shade, so I thought I would have a stab at getting kp in the wheelchair and getting her outside. She wasn't keen but knew she should. I could have persuaded her but didn't want to pressurise her too much. We left it up to the toss of a coin.

dp:- Heads or Tails
kp:- Tails
It was Heads

We both looked at each other clueless. Unfortunately, we hadn't agreed what heads or tails meant, so we had to flick again. Doh !

She said Tails again and it was Tails which meant she could choose. She opted for "no chair", but promised she would do it on an evening over the weekend. I am happy with that.

The nurse came in and gave her nightly anti-blood clogging injection. I asked her if I could do that (it's only in the stomach, not a vein or anything) and to my surprise she said yes. Excellent. I am finding it very rewarding caring for kp. The more I do, the better I feel. Given half the chance I would do this clean-up operation on kp's pin-hole site. I could bring some hose in from home, turn the tap on and give it a good flush out. Nay problem.

She was very tired tonight and after a bit of pizza for tea was ready for a "comfy position". And not long after, she was asleep.


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