Sunday, July 10, 2005

Day 73 - Sunday 10th July - Part Two

kp hardly slept all afternoon because she was having so much fun with Marie and Michelle. They helped take her mind of her pending operation tomorrow which she had been getting anxious about.

Lots of belly laughs all round. Marie had been coordinating a kp move up the bed with Michelle. One person grabs the sheets on one side of kp and the other grabs the other side's sheets and together you pull the sheets up the bed. This needs to be coordinated or it doesn't work, so of course, we use the usual "On 3, 1..........2...........3" and then you both move together.

Well, Marie had problems with this tonight and in fact, sporadically has had such problems in the past. The key to doing a move with Marie is knowing that 3 isn't always 3. It's sometimes 1 or 2.

Needless to say, Marie called :-

Marie :- "1................"
Marie tries to pull kp up the bed and whilst she tries carries on counting
Marie :- "2.........3...."

Michelle started laughing, Marie was in stitches and kp did some good belly laughs.

kp was knackered tonight after all the hilarity and didn't feel up to an evening trip for some fresh air.

By 6.20pm she was fast asleep.

Premed for the op is about 7.30am, and she goes from the ward at 8.15am. Fingers crossed she isn't in too much pain when she comes out.


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