Thursday, July 14, 2005

Day 77 - Thursday 14th July - Part One - Addendum

Forgot to recall a conversation with kp this morning. It went something like this :-

To set the scene, kp was on her side looking towards the window, at her last bouquet of flowers.

kp:- Those flowers are looking a bit withered.
dp:- Aye. They need a bit of Marie Magic. I am sure she will do her flower arranging tricks when she gets in
kp:- THAT WON'T HELP. They're drooping.

10 second pause

kp:- There like me - a bit past it and withered.

Not wanting to dwell on her weakened state, I just said :-

dp:- Silly Egg

(which is a phrase that normally makes kp smile as my mum uses the phrase from time to time).

I promised to bring her in some fresh flowers. Typical bloke needing a very not-so-subtle hint to kick me into action.

kp has just gone into theatre. Should be out by about 6pm. Let's hope the next few days, kp is feeling a lot better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all in the KP CAMP,hope today went well.Eagerly awaiting Davids update on the blog.Lots of love as per NURSE CALAMITY!!! AKA LYDIA XXX

10:08 pm  

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