Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Day 75 - Tuesday 12th July - Part One

kp hadn't had the best of nights. She couldn't have breakfast because she couldn't sit upright as they wanted her head lower than the rest of her body to get her blood pressure (78 over 45) right again.

They gave her quite a few pints of liquid intravenously this morning. Probably about 4 pints over a period of 2 hours and that helped with the blood pressure and kp was able to sit up for 20 mins or so and have some tea and toast.

She was a bit confused today (and last night also). She didn't think she was in her room. When I walked into her toilet, she thought I had gone outside - things like that. No doubt down to the infection/low blood pressure.

Lots of sleep also, which suited me as today I was exhausted, to the point she nearly had to shout me to get me to move her legs I was so zonked. Will fix that this afternoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kp, great your op over with, sorry bout infection...and blood pressure...am possitive that things will right themselves given a little time....
your all doing such a great job...take my hat off to you all....
and david...im not surprised your falling asleep.....no little pencil size hole's to pop your finger/pencil into...boreing....or what....lol..your doing a fab job too...

ok will blog again soon....love ya...
oh just a quick one, i swapped deb james for the early at peterlee...you should have seen the 'kevin' face on loop...lol...still it back fire'd on me...thought oh will just pop to dalton park....big mistake...i could almost hear my credit card SCREAMING!!!!!!!! lol

love to all...


4:38 pm  

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