Friday, July 22, 2005

Day 85 - Friday 22nd July - Part Two

Physio today had been mostly centred on balancing her torso herself whilst reaching with her arms. The physios planted little coloured cones on the table in front of her and asked her to reach for cones by colour. This forces kp to rebalance to stop falling over, something we all take for granted.

She did very well, and wasn't as tired as yesterday. I think the legs version of this stunt is much more tiring.

She has eaten VERY well today, eating everything in sight for the first day ever. No vomiting of consequence. The TV is fixed.

One of the nurses came in tonight and chatted to us for a while about a few things. She was probably with us 15 minutes. Lovely lady.

That's about it for today.

Busy weekend ahead with all the family visiting tomorrow and the dynamic duo visiting on Sunday (+ Lydia)




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