Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Day 83 - Wednesday 20th July - Part One

kp was looking to the door as I walked in this morning. She had been waiting for me since 7am apparently. I said the new shifts are going to be hard then aren't they if I am not in until 10am. I think the new shifts have been knocked on the head.

kp ate a full breakfast and kept it down !! :-) Her new tactics with her pills are to take them very slowly ("to slyly sneak one in when my stomach isn't expecting it").

Well, it worked. It took 2.5 hours to get about 12 tablets down her and they stayed down :-)

She said she felt in a slightly perkier mood today, and certainly she was much more chatty. In fact we had some good conversations for the first time in a while.

She didn't want to push her lack of sickness too far, so we knocked the bath on the head given the amount of moves involved.

We wanted to see the Doctor today about a number of things, so we made a list :-
  1. Sickness - kp is doing "her end of the bargain" as she calls it, namely treating medicine as food, but it still won't stay down. What can be done about it ?
  2. Psychologist - Further to last night's blog we wanted to get kp in touch with a psychologist.
  3. Sick Note - kp's sick note ran out on the 19th and we need a new one
  4. and a couple of other minor things
Well, the sickness is going to be tackled by subcutaneous injections of Cyclazine instead of taking them orally. He is going to sort out a visit from a psychologist. Sick Note is being sorted this afternoon.

At the same time we were sorting all this out with the doctor, he was trying to take a blood sample from kp. From a "taking blood" perspective, kp doesn't have veins (or "wanes" as the doctor called them (much to kp's amusement)), she must run on battery or something. We had real problems getting blood. But he succeeded in the end.

kp came up with some good ideas to keep herself motivated. She is going to try and watch some TV, read the paper and a few other things. And she got her first try today, cos I was knackered and struggling to stay awake this morning and at her suggestion I had 40 winks (90mins) whilst she watched GMTV.

Physio followed and kp did very well. She sat upright on the edge of her new black wheelchair, extended her hands onto the table in front of her and stretched out. It looked very strange after seeing her sat back and laid down for the past 2/3 months. She was knackered after 30 mins of it.

Lunch followed physio and she tucked into her beef stew. And unfortunately, after she had eaten it, threw it all up :-(. One of her antibiotics is bright red and stains everything red inside kp. So seconds after eating brown beef stew, poor kp was vomiting bright red beef stew. :-(

She was even more tired then and was ready for sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor thing if its not one end its tother, sorry you are feeling down Karen but its to be expected after all anyone who is poorly gets like that and you have had it a lot worse than just poorly. Grab whatever or whoever it takes to make you feel better, dont forget kid it wont last forever the more progress you make the better you will feel in your outlook.You have tons of people rooting for you take care and sleep well Margo

9:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

margo you said it all....keep going kp your doing a great job...

if i could sing,(which you know i can) you will hear me singing 'the only way is up'''..not a very good chioce giving the red beef stew incident...but u know what i your singing that all day now in your head..last song syndrome come on chuck chin up and keep smileing..
love to all....
and dp since when does 40wink's mean 90min's???????
love debsxx

9:45 pm  

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