Thursday, July 21, 2005

Day 84 - Thursday 21st July - Part One

Great Sleep, Full Breakfast, No Vomiting. A good start to the the day !!

Her phone/tv in her room has packed up. It's Microsoft-based so I am not at all surprised. But last night was the one night kp wanted to start watching TV. Grrrrrrrr!

They are going to fix it today apparently.

kp had a bath today and she really enjoyed it, she couldn't put her finger on why ?!

She phoned Angela today and had a nice long chat to her. It sounded like Angela was finding it quite hard to be at home after her hospital stay. I think kp will find it similarly hard. Being home is not the same as being well and home. Getting some milk out of the fridge becomes a major expedition instead of a 2-sec job.
But the call did kp a lot of good and reinforced what she was already starting to think.

Physio was very hard today amd kp lapped it up. She had to lean back a bit (no backrests involved), and then bring herself forward using her stomach muscles. The physio would also move her feet and kp had to maintain her balance. kp enjoyed it, but it was physically and mentally exhausted at the end of it. When I got her back to her room and lowered her back into bed, she fell asleep INSTANTLY. She will definately sleep this afternoon and unfortunately she didn't want any lunch 'cos she was so tired.

The physios have suggested we arrange kp's physios to a time that means it doesn't intrude on eating. kp is going to think about this this afternoon if she wakes up !

Exhausting but enjoyable morning.

For anyone who read last night's blog before 1pm Thursday 21st, here is the photo that was taken of karen with her rings back on.

Here is a photo I took just before I left for the evening :-

I always leave a sick bowl handy so she can reach on the side of her head in case of sickness coming on. When I got her to check her sickbowl, she put her hands above the wrong side of her head, so to be sure she would be ok, I put a sickbowl on either side. I thought it looked funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY what is going on all us blogers should have had an invite to the wedding of the year not been an after thought
Great pics so good to see you looking better KP after I had used all my tissues on first part of blog. I had bit of good news myself but Ill let Marie fill you in on that one if she thinks its appropriate.( hope ive spelt it right)Keep up the good work KP you will soon be ready for home at the rate you are going.If DPS ma+ pa are going home the ironing will soon mount up again, seems you can do the washing then David. Take care all Margo

7:34 pm  

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