Thursday, September 08, 2005

Day 133 - Thursday 8th September

The day of transfers (named so, at kp's request)

Be warned this blog entry is long, so now would be a good time to put the kettle on and make a nice hot cup of DRINKOFYOURCHOICE.

What a FANTASTIC day ! I was so excited about today (as was kp) that really we could only be let down, but we weren't. It was everything we wanted to be, and we couldn't ask for more than that.

Where to begin. Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start, if you read you begin with a...b...c, if we sing we begin with All together now. Can you tell I am happy !?!

Arrived at the hospital at 9.30am for bath before departure. kp's buttock dressing was changed just before we went. It's healing nicely by the way. It's not as deep as it was, maybe about 1 inch deep (just over). You could fit a strawberry in there if you push it hard and didn't mind it squelching a bit. Would need lots of sugar on it though afterwards before consumption.

We were then issued with enough drugs to start a pharmacy to last us for the 8 hour excursion. Had a nice small hidden catheter bag, that even I couldn't find later during the day.

One of the nurses had been giving kp a countdown to the excursion, which was nice. kp was really looking forward to it, but in her usual typical fashion, gave nothing away, and you'd have thought we were just going outside for some fresh air.

We were taking the hospital turning device home with us as kp has trained on it and the physios weren't sure if the one we were having delivered would be ok or not. So, we set off home, me pushing kp with one hand, carrying a rucksack and turner in the other. You'd have thought we were going to the Antartic.

I am not used to taking taxis, and when the pre-ordered taxi wasn't there at 12.01pm, I was on the phone to them, but apparently, it's normal for them to be a little late. The taxi we went home in was very spacious and I could sit with kp who was facing backwards in her wheelchair.

2 minutes into the journey I asked how she was finding it.

kp:- ok

5 minutes later (on the motorway), I asked her and it was a different story. She was anxious and was looking at every car behind to make sure they weren't coming in to the back of the car. :-(

kp:- He's on his mobile phone (pointing to a driver whizzing past with phone to ear)

I think it will take a while for her to get ok with being a passenger (and driver) again.

When we got home, I put the dogs out the back so they wouldn't see their mamma was home.

Paid the taxi driver and he went and we were on our own at our house.

We tested Tommy's ramp and it made me question why I had ever deliberated about his offer of installing it. It was fantastic and made life so much easier throughout the day.

Wheeling kp through the front door, she was beaming from cheek to cheek. As planned, I ushered her through to the living room and we did transfer number one from the wheelchair to the armchair. By this time, her back was giving her a bit of gip and she was keen to lie down. The armchair is one of those reclining ones so we could get her horizontal. The transfer went seamlessly and kp's standing was brilliant. I only had to be there just in case, but she did the stand herself and maintained it !

Once in the chair she went horizontal and wanted a few minutes before she met the dogs. I should say before she met my bitches. That sounds a bit more like I am a pimp and a bit more streetwise.

I opened the backdoor and in they bounded. kp was concerned that they wouldn't remember her and that they would be wary of her. I had assured her that they would as had everyone else, but I must admit I was a little concerned that if they saw her in the wheelchair, they may seem frightened (but of the wheelchair). She was in the armchair and we had nothing to worry about. They were all over her. It will be 2-3 days before dog saliva is fully removed from kp's face, even with a deep scouring (or what's that soap with the sand in that women use, can't recall the name at the moment).

They loved kp, and she loved them. They hadn't forgotten her one bit.

I took some video footage of the dogs meeting kp and it is great to see, but I need to get the "ok" to blog it from the Queen.

I can safely get away with a couple of snapshots from the video, but the quality is awful, so apologies. The video is awesome, I will try and persuade the Queen to release it, but she may be reluctant as it shows her stomach scars.

I took sooooooooo much pleasure from seeing kp meet the dogs and vice-versa. A very happy moment.

She was keen to let people know how thrilled she was to be home, and in no time, she was doing what she does best - increasing our phone bill :-

With the dogs reunion over and the phone bill increased, I was sent to the shops for food to make toasted sandwiches. I was a bit concerned leaving kp on her own, but she assured me she would be ok.

When I got back I got stuck in to the toasted sandwiches. I had to go into a cupboard that I never go into. All I visit is the beer fridge (as it is now), the place where my cans of chilli are, and the deep freeze, so the fresh food cupboard hadn't been visited since Karen was at home. I came across an interesting find in the fresh food cupboard. A couple of potatos :-

Not sure if you can tell from the photo, but those two potatoes had they been left in the cupboard a few more weeks, may well have been 4 potatoes. They had nearly sprouted wings ! Click on the photo to see it bigger.

kp wasn't impressed.

The toastie was lovely !!

kp ate the lot with a home-made cup of tea.

Transfer number two followed from the armchair back to the wheelchair and I wheeler her outside for some fresh air. We sat outside for about 30 minutes and loved every minute of it. There would be a full 5 minutes here and there where nothing was said, but everything was said, it's just no words were used.

The sheep were bleating, the cows were mooing, I was doing impressions of both, because they were getting on my t+ts, but kp loved hearing them.

When we had arrived at the house, we had had a delivery of a commode and a turner (as expected). Without going into details, I'll just say we did two transfers to the commode and the whole thing was a total success. We were so pleased with ourselves. I complimented kp on her standing skills and she complimented me on my assistance. I think we were just both so relieved that we could "DO" home visits.

After we had spent some time outside, we went round the back of the house to play with the dogs for a bit. That was a lot more tricky and its not something we will be doing very often as its a long way and involves going on grass, through a tricky gate. We'll have to think about that one a bit more.

After the 2 outdoor visits, I was knackered. We had probably done 4 or 5 transfers to/from the chair. kp wanted a tour of the house. More like an inspection, but a tour she got. She was very pleased with what she saw :-)

She had been sat in the wheelchair for quite some time by this stage, so we went into the front room so she could see if she could transfer to the sofa. This is the lowest chair in the house and although I was confident she could get on to the sofa, I was a bit concerned that I may be taking her back to the hospital on the sofa.

No problems getting on :-

And getting off involved a lot more effort on kp and a bit of assistance from me, but we cracked it and the important thing is we could do it again.

Time for bed !

We were both flagging by this stage, me more than Karen, but she wanted a proper lie-down and she chose the bed - fine by me.

Whenever a transfer is involved, preparation is the key. I have to get the turner (and it's heavy) positioned just right, the wheelchair just right and its not easy at home, because there are things that get in the way, like ornaments, sinks, bedside tables. So it probably takes 2-3 minutes to get set up. Today was a sticky day and I was sweating like a pig before the transfer even took place.

The transfer to the bed was very straightforward. And she was lying down in no time. I jumped in my side of the bed and then for the first time in 4 months, we had a proper cuddle, it was lovely. It took a bit of maneuvering. I had to position kp to cuddle me, she couldn't just do it for herself, which detracts from the cuddle a little, but suffice to say, once the cuddle is set up, the rest feels like a cuddle. And no, cuddle isn't a secret codeword for sex Jane Burns !

It was lovely for me to have kp in my arms and for me to be in hers. I could blab on about "I never thought it would happen again" etc, but I am beginning to sound like a stuck record. It WAS lovely.

We both couldn't sleep and for 45 minutes we just cuddled. Halfway through kp wanted to be on her other side, so we did a maneuvre and fell into the opposite cuddle sides.

After the long cuddle, it was time to start tea. Fillet Steak, Mushrooms, Onions and Chips. It was a 10oz fillet steak and kp ate 90% of it. She did REALLY well ! Bear in mind, she had had 2 toasted sandwiches for lunch, followed by a flake !

Another trip outside followed whilst I washed up :-(

I took a photo of kp whilst I was in and out collecting dishes :-

She looked very content.

After dishes, she wanted to check her email. I wheeled her into the study and she started sifting through 1329 emails. (99% junk, unless you need Viagra, in which case call me).

She couldn't see the screen properly, and found my glasses helped her see the screen. I must remember to mention this to the nurses. I think kp needs glasses now for her good eye (left)

Emails over, kp was starting to feel a bit unwell. Commode time, and sick bowl time. She wasn't sick, but looked as pale as a sheet. I think a 10oz fillet steak was probably too much. It certainly cost too much, but you're worth every penny love. The nausea lasted about 15 minutes and by the time the taxi came, she was feeling fine !

The taxi was a strange one, and kp looked like the pope in his raised popemobile. She was ABSOLUTELY KN+CKERED when she got back ! She couldn't wait to get back to her hospital bed.

A couple of the nurses came in to see kp transfer to the bed. They were pleased to see her stand. Clothes off, nighty on. She will sleep tonight as will I.

So, signing off time.

Cracking Day. It could not have been better. Well, apart from the nausea at the end.

I can't wait until Saturday when we have the next home visit (36 hours). I just hope I have the energy. Roast Dinner Sunday Night !!! We can't wait !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic to see the photos of you at home Karen and great ones with the dogs.
Hard work David but I bet worth every second.
To be at home together even for a visit is such progress and almost like a dream come true.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Sue xx

9:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you two intrepid explorers,
What a wonderful blog best thing Ive seen for a long time. I dont know why but couldnt leave comment for a few days, never mind it was worth the wait. Karen you look great and the pair of you have got this movment thing of pat.I cant express how glad I am for you to get to visit home at last the dogs missed mum then he he. The photos are great cant wait to see vidio. Marie will be over the moon you are getting out and about it will be shopping with her next good luck. Mind you she gets all the bargins I never do. Im off for a short trip to Scotland so have a wonderful weekend both of you relax and enjoy every min. Love an hugs Margo
PS put potatoes in a bucket with some compost see what happens he he

9:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was great to see you in the taxi,in the starship enterprise chair and with the dog's too,
well done to both of you
as everyone has said its a long time coming and worth the look so happy...
fantastic blog dp, it took 2 coffee's ,1 kleenex and a uncountable amount of new wrinkles from all the smileing.....

here's to the over-nighter....
i carnt wait to tell the team of your expadition....

love to you all

se you soon...

enjoy saturday hun you deserve it the both of you for all the hard work you have put in over the last four months....

love debs

11:29 am  

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