Monday, October 10, 2005

Day 165 - Monday 10th October

Breakfast (Cup of Tea), Shower and some fresh air.

Followed by a visit from the Neuro Psychologist (NP). More tests for kp basically. The NP mentioned that I can't publish the detail of the tests (so this part of the blog will be a bit sketchy), but suffice to say, the tests were very interesting and showed some things that I thought kp would be able to do, but couldn't.

The most interesting being she showed kp some pictures, but on each of the pictures there was something missing. I am using examples that weren't used today to respect the NP's wishes. So, let's say, there was a car on a road on a rainy day and the wipers were on, but one of the windscreen wipers was missing, kp wouldn't have seen it at all. I think she only got one of these right, which was very weird as normally she would have sussed it immediately. She also took ages before she realised that she couldn't answer it.

There were some mental arithmetic tests, which she did quite well at. But the ones that were a bit longer and had more facts in, she couldn't keep all the facts in the head. For example, Gill's Father is a plumber and Gill has bought 40 washers at a jumble sale for 20% cheaper than Tom her father could have. Tom normally pays 50p a washer, what price did Gill pay in total.

There were some words she had to say the meaning of. She struggled a bit finding words to explain the meaning of the words given, apparently quite a common stroke side effect.

Lots of tests, and kp got quite frustrated with some of them, but the NP was great and when she sensed her frustration she stopped to explain the reason for the test and kp then was happy to carry on.

More tests on thursday afternoon, and they sound like they will be a lot more fun.

Physio today consisted of leg strengthening and lots of walking. She walked 90 steps today (with the wheelchair in front of her). It is Soooooooooo wonderful to watch her walk with a BEAMING smile on her face. When she can, she looks around at patients/nurses and I half expect her to do a royal wave. When I suggested that to her, she said

kp:- No, I couldn't do that. I'd drop to the floor


She walked past her bedroom and was totally absorbed in her walking, which I really feel has taken a big leap forward since last Friday. Her left foot steps have improved so much !

Physio over, we went to big Quenellies for lunch and to meet up with Jane Burns who had us in stitches. Conversations ranged from a girly night she had spent at the caravan with friends and they were each listening in to each other to see if they could stop a pee mid-flow, from MUCH WORSE womanly conversations that should only be PAY-TO-HEAR !

We had a good laugh anyway.

That's it for today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kp and dp of course...

well just caught up on the blogg....what a hoot....first of all loop say that you david should write a book cathy latte style...???? dont ask but it was the loo incident that she read that made her tell me...i have to say it must have been funny...if id walked in heard the giggles and saw empyt have done a kp....'how rude' jokeing pet..

now on to you have a staring role in little i laughted so much....why?? 'I dunno'
david you should have asked her was she sure she wanted that nighty....'yeah' now are you sure...'yeah'..ok'I don like it...'lol...

well alex staying with me this far so good... only one tiff so far..alex haveyou made your bed...reply...uh!!!!!!! kevin and perry style...did make me smile when her make knocked 5mins later to say..heloo mrs

ok chuck im still off work so wont get in to see you this week...wil try later next week ok..

keep up the good work and look forward to the blogg..

love debsxxx

ps i bet that clock still chimeing next time you see mam and
so i take your betMr Pollard...come on mam dont let me lose leave the clock

bye for now..

8:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprise Surprise !! guess who is on the blogg again,!!!Yahooo its me KP ,LYD, Well done you WALKING ...your progress is coming on in leaps and bounds,you do realise walking is only a few steps from a shimmy!! Your exploits in the restaurant loo had me in stitches,. You and wa david are truely amazing.I ve got so much catching up to do on the blog entries. The donny osmond pictures were great,(i suppose you flung your nickers on the stage) lol ,its wonderful to see you back doing the things you love ! (I MEAN SEEING DONNY ETC AND NOT THE FLINGING OF THE NICKERS JUST IN CASE PEOPLE THINK YOU MAKE A HOBBY OF THAT )!!HA HA LOL LOL The platinum club will be called to order asap, looking forward to seeing you soon. lots of love to all. LYDIA

1:31 pm  

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