Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Day 159 - Tuesday 4th October

Very good day today with lots of "new stuff" happening.

First of all, the catheter was removed at 6am, to shouts of joy and fists in the air from kp according to the nurses. When I arrived, she was ready to have a pee and had the biggest smile I have seen for a while. We had time enough to get in the wheelchair, go to the loo and transfer to the loo.

kp:- "Wahey, I've had a wee"

Well, there's not much you can say to that, so I just congratulated her and enjoyed the accompanying big smile.

I had expressed my concern to the lovely Occupational Therapist (OT) yesterday that I was perhaps doing too much for Karen and that kp would probably be able to leave the hospital walking, but wouldn't be able to get up to stand from the bed to start the walking off. and other basic things like dress herself etc....

The OT scheduled some time with Karen this morning and she came loaded with some REALLY good tips. Karen can't get herself sitting on the bed (from lying) without assistance, she can't go to lying on a bed (from sitting over the edge) without assistance. So the OT told her how to do it. It's something we all take for granted and I couldn't think how I did it so I could explain to Karen how to do it.

The OT told kp how to do it with her good arm and did a few practices. I think it will take a few more, but kp was probably getting 85% there herself with the OT's assistance. She (the OT) brought with her a board that goes under the mattress and provides kp with a handle to help her get up and down. It proved very useful.

I asked the OT if it was possible to dress oneself with just one hand/arm working. Everything apart from bras can be done one-handed. It would have to be bloody bras that she needs assistance with. Marie told me the other day, I had the bra on upside down and kp and her were laughing at it. They were amazed I had been able to get it on that way.

A man should only have to get bras off, but it looks like I'll have to learn to get them on consistently.

We told the OT that we would give dressing a try today and get back to her if we needed any tips. Well, kp struggled with pants/knickers as she can't bend down far enough to get them on. She struggled with T-shirt and Coat also. She doesn't seem to be able to guide her left arm/hand into the sleeve. I tell her to look at her hand and guide it in. She lines it up, smiles and then looks away and tries to pull it on but by that time, she has missed her left arm. So, OT, we will be calling on you soon for some more of your great tips !

The OT encouraged kp to wash her face, clean her teeth while standing just like she normally would . Karen and I have really got into a routine of doing things a certain way, we are definately benefitting from a 3rd person's take on our routine. So, kp stood for teeth cleaning and face washing.

We were a bit short of time, so we had her first shower. Well, it was my first time doing a shower, Karen had had one before. It's a lot quicker, but the helper (me) gets a lot wetter. I need to work on this one, maybe bring my wellies in tomorrow.

Shower over, kp tried to dress herself, but it didn't go too well, and we ended up a bit short of time, so I finished it off and then she had another pee. Success #2.

Physio today was excellent. It started off with the usual warm-up, leg-strengthening exercises and finished with a walk, this time WITHOUT the wheelchair in front.

I was VERY impressed with the improvement today. Previously, the main man has had to position kp's left foot every step. Although he did help occasionally, kp did 80% of the moving of her left leg herself. The other physio held kp's right hand to keep her steady. It is the best walking I have seen her do.

At the end of it, we ended up in the corridor and Karen said :-

kp:- That wasn't very good was it.

I was gobsmacked. She clearly didn't realise that her left leg had been moving mostly itself without the main man's help. When this was explained to her, she felt a lot better about it. I did an impression of her walking to her later, and she understands how well she did and what she needs to do to improve.

When she was "walking", her left leg was following through(ish) but was coming too close to her right leg, rather than be a bit apart. Plenty of time to improve this.

Physio over, we went for lunch at Quenellies. She ate every bit of her Minced Beef, Dumplings and Chips. I had piled loads of chips on her plate, hoping she would not eat them all as I wanted them. She ate the lot :-)

We went back to the room for another pee. Success again (#3). I went for a snooze, kp watched TV. I didn't sleep a wink (TV too loud), kp was fast asleep, but I didn't realise this until 60 minutes had passed.

We went outside for some fresh air to be ready to greet Marie at the entrance when she got there. We all had a cup of tea. Marie had brought some socks to warm kp's feet up. They are lovely and no doubt a bargain at some incredibly low price.

I'll finish on a little funny thing that happened right at the end of my day. We were outside with our cup of tea and coats on as it was a bit chillier today when all of a sudden, kp looked panicked and said :-

kp:- Where's my hand (meaning her left hand). I can't find my left hand ?

She really couldn't find it.

Somehow, she had managed to put her left hand in her left coat pocket. Neither Marie or I had put it there.

We pointed out where it was, and she laughed her head off as did we all.

She then told us about one of her work colleagues who had visited. Apparently, kp had asked this person to pass Karen her left hand. This person started looking around the room for it much to Karen's amusement. Karen had to point out that her left hand was actually on the end of her left arm.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiya karen and david, sorry have not been in touch,computer has had a virus which would not let us do anything,all fixed now. you seem to be on a right roll karen, brillant to say the least. glad you enjoyed donny. sorry i cant come up this wednesday, but will try if its on next week,will phone you on saturday.love yvonnexxx

8:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and David
good to be seeing the blogg again after our holiday, we missed knowing what you were up to each day. What a difference a week makes! brilliant progress Karen. I will print them off and send them to my mam as she is missing reading them. I spoke to her today and she is going to ring you re her coming up, she's still under the weather!
We all ok here, maybe going to Hastings for the weekend, take care both of you, speak soon. love Tracey, Mark and Megan xxx

2:57 pm  

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