Sunday, October 02, 2005

Day 157 - Sunday 2nd October

I am pleased to report a cracking night's sleep. She only woke up once (for a turn) which is a big improvement on any previous night.

A very pleasant day today overall. I walked the dogs while kp snoozed. We had breakfast in the kitchen before enjoying some fresh air outside for about an hour. I developed a cracking headache and needed to be in a dark room, so kp came to join me in the bedroom for what turned out to be a 2 hour kip ! :-)

We are looking at getting one of the bathroom's turned into a wet room so kp can shower at home - so, we perused through some brochures dad had sent us.

kp sent a few emails, I typed only one for her. She needs the text on the screen making huge to see them :-(

And I am cooking pasta while I write the blog as kp gets some relief from Numb Bum Syndrome. She has very poor circulation in her feet and they are ALWAYS cold. She is on her 4th hot water bottle of the day.

Not sure what time she is going back to the hospital, she may be a dirty late night stopout, she doesn't know yet ! :-)

She is looking forward to the catheter coming out tomorrow. I am dreading it. I fear 1 hourly rush trips to the loo. After over 5 months on catheter, it will take some time to get used to feeling her bladder full, and the nurses have already advised us that there will be accidents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Karen and David,

I have been following your blog since we last spoke (David). In the hospital that awful night when I came to see you and Karen. My heart went to you both and your family.

I have been meaning to try and see you both again at some point but always felt that it was not my place. You have been in my mind since the day of the accident every day. I am so glad that you have taken the time to keep your blog updated David. Funny thing is I feel that I know you both so well from reading it !!!
Well thats the soppy bit out of the way, only to say that if at some point I could visit I would be over the moon. Please let me know my e mail is

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care.
John. (the off duty one)

8:04 pm  
Blogger David Pollard said...


It should work fine now. It was my cockup !! Shout if not !


We just caught your message before Karen went back to the hospital. We will be in touch via your email address ! :-)

8:10 pm  
Blogger David Pollard said...


Karen says to say "Don't expect great quality". You certainly won't be able to see Donny as it was taken with my phone.


8:11 pm  

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