Sunday, September 25, 2005

Day 150 - Sunday 25th September - Part One

Not as good a night's sleep for Karen last night.

Her pain medication was reduced at the back end of last week. She is on 50mg Fentanyl (morphine-based) patches and 1500mg Gabapentin (nerve-based painkiller). She used to be on 75mg Fentanyl and 1800mg Gabapentin.

I think we are seeing some break-thru pain as she was complaining about a "hurting back" a lot of the night and wasn't too successful finding a comfy position.

She is snoozing now, while I write the blog and then walk the dogs. Hopefully she'll get a good couple of hours.

Mum and Dad coming today bringing lunch, and then kp is wanting to get back to the hospital for a bath as she can't shower OR bath here.


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