Saturday, September 17, 2005

Day 142 - Saturday 17th September

Not the best of days today.

kp had an awful night sleep last night. She wanted turning about 5-6 times during the night to try and get comfy. Each time she tried to sleep before needing turning again.

We had a whole load of ammunition to battle against the lack of sleep :-

  • Pillows to prop her up
  • Windows to open to keep cool (last week she was too hot)
  • Hot Water bottle to keep her feet warm (feet felt too cold last week)
  • and the Ace Card up the sleeve was Tamazepam (sleeping tablet)

As the first few hours of the night dragged on, we had employed all tactics but the sleeping tablet. We tried that and even that didn't help.

She said she didn't sleep at all, but on at least two occasions, she was snoring like a trooper.

Of course, this then set the day off on the wrong path. If you haven't had your sleep, you don't feel ready to tackle the day ahead. We had half thought about going to Ikea, but that was quickly knocked on the head as we were both exhausted.

I left kp in bed to try and get some sleep while I walked the dogs. We then got her up (which takes quite a while), and had breakfast (at lunchtime).

We were then both gagging for a snooze. I had some other ideas about getting her comfy and we found one that worked a treat. Basically, kp transfers from the wheelchair to the bed (with the duvet still on the bed, she lies down (with help of course) and then I cocoon her up in the duvet. She has is like a sausage roll wrapped in pastry. This gives her warmth and the security that she can't fall out of bed. I think that was half the problem the night before. She slept best whilst she was in the middle of the bed and not on her side of the bed.

So, fingers crossed, that we have cracked the sleeping thing. I think we may have, but tonight we will know for sure.

Today has been a very solemn day with kp hardly speaking, 50% i believe is down to tiredness, the other 50% is down to the fact she is realising more that she may be home, but it isn't like home used to be. She is 100% reliant on me moving her around the house, getting her out of the wheelchair etc and I know she is fed up of it. I can tell part of her is thinking "Oh, I have to bother David again". I keep telling her it is no bother, but in the middle of night, when I am deep asleep and I have to move her for the 4th time to a different side, I do find it very hard.

But I don't let on.

The last couple of hours have been a bit problematic. kp thinks she has dislodged the catheter and is uncomfortable. She is curled in a certain position which gives her some relief, and I have had a bit of a wiggle to see if that helps, but it doesn't, so we are waiting for the District Nurse to come out.

Hopefully, she will be her soon.

After the nurse has been, assuming all is ok, we will be having Pizza and X-Factor.

I think this will be it for tonight re blogs.

Fingers crossed she sleeps tonight because the days are so much more enjoyable after a good sleep.


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