Thursday, September 15, 2005

Day 140 - Thursday 15th September

I arrived at 9.30am this morning so we could have a natter before the psychologist arrived.

She came at 10.15am with a Social Worker, who left early in the meeting explaining that we would need a Durham-based Social Worker given we live in the Durham area.

The psychologist turned out to be a neural-psychologist I think she said. Lovely lady and she explained what she would be doing. Today was basically going to be an assessment. She started by asking kp loads of question to assess what she believed her physical state to be. Occasionally, I found myself nodding and shaking my head to try and tell the psychologist that kp had got something wrong or right. kp said she could sit up by herself, which she can't do yet. She said she can walk 6 steps, but neglected to say she could only do it with people helping her, totally understandable, but I didn't want the psychologist to walk away with an incorrect picture.

She then went on to assess her mental side of things.

This was quite extensive and I probably won't remember everything she did, so I'll just summarise what I can recall of the conclusions.

kp's stroke has affected the mental side of things in the following ways :-

  • Inattention - she doesn't give much attention to anything on the left hand side. I think I have mentioned previously how she won't see something on the left hand side of the table, she doesn't eat the left side of her plate etc....
  • Loss of words - she can think of something to say, but then will be lost for certain words
  • Lack of memory of conversations held - she can remember having conversations but what was said is a mystery. kp used to be sh+t hot at remembering who said what in a conversation. Her "he said, she said" storys are infamous around Middlesbrough.
  • Abstract Reasoning - This was an interesting one. The lady said to kp

Neural Psychologist (NP) :- If I said to you Karen "One swallow doesn't mean its Summer", what would you think that meant
kp thought about this for 10 seconds and asked her to repeat it
NP repeated it.
kp :- "If you swallow once, it...... I don't know."

At this, I burst out laughing and then immediately felt guilty. Grrrrrrrrr! I could have kicked myself. :-(

I explained that she meant "swallow" as in a bird.

kp :- If you see one swallow in the air, it doesn't necessarily mean its Summer
NP :- So, what does that mean in a general sense

kp couldn't answer.

Very interesting. This is something I hadn't noticed about kp since the stroke.

The good news is her general memory (long term) is excellent. Her short term memory isn't too bad. And she is ok at remembering future stuff (visitors etc)

Her personality is unchanged. Her patience is a little affected. She is a bit more impatient, but that could just be the hospital enviroment getting on her nerves.

Practical Reasoning - The NP asked kp if she would find ways around problems. kp wasn't sure. I mentioned some examples where she would ask me to pass her things rather than work out she could get them if she really wanted to. This could just be because its easier to ask me to get things, but I had to mention it.

That's about it. The NP also asked me how I was as well, which was nice. I filled her in on my side of things and how this had strengthened me and made me more focussed on the important things on life.

NP (to both of us):- Do you think the accident has brought you closer together
dp :- I wouldn't have thought it could, but it has.
kp :- Yes, I would say the same, I wouldn't have thought it could, but things are definately more close and our love is more intense now

Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr :-)

Well said love.

After the psychoanalysis session, we had tomato soup for lunch and then went to physio.

kp was on her side for most of the session strengthening her muscles with the main man. He finished the session by getting kp to stand. She stood with a physio either side, but this time was a bit different, they weren't helping her legs in any way and were just supporting her hands to make sure they didn't push off the surface. She managed it beautifully, the first time.

He then got her to sway from side to side and whilst the weight was on the left leg, move her right leg forward slightly. No problem. And then back again.

She then sat down for a rest.

He then asked her to stand again. This time the stand was a lot weaker and took a lot longer. She kind of stood up on her right leg, but her left gave way and she squirmed her way up. The main man and assistant were laughing.

kp:- What are you laughing at ?

I think she was totally unaware what her left side had done.

I later did an impression of her stand to Karen and she was in stitches.

That's it for today. Marie and Michelle arrived at 4pm. kp and I were fast asleep. They had brought teas/coffees from Quenellies. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope karen will get well soon.
i'll b praying for her

6:57 pm  

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