Sunday, September 11, 2005

Day 136 - Sunday 11th September - Part Two

So, we had a snooze this afternoon, kp didn't sleep, I was out like a light. We woke up at 4.15pm, just enough time to get ready for Dad's arrival.

When he arrived, he joined us outside in the glorious sunshine for a drink or two. kp was subdued and not speaking much. I popped in and out of the house whilst I kept the roast ticking along but I could tell dad was having to keep the chatter going. I felt dead sorry for him travelling so far to be with us when Karen was feeling a bit off. She was feeling fine, I just think she was exhausted from 2 exciting days with virtually zero sleep overnight.

We had the Roast Beef and kp had 2 platefuls which I was delighted at. By this stage, I could tell kp was really flagging, so I dropped a subtle hint to Dad to leave.

dp:- Dad, can you go home now ?

Poor Dad - sorry !! There'll be other more lively weekends I am sure.

Shortly after Dad left, kp and I were sat outside for some last time together before the trip back to the hospital and in no time she was in tears. She was upset about her predicament again.

kp :- Stupid man (referring to the driver who caused the crash). He's made our lives hell.
kp(sobbing) :- I don't want to leave the dogs and you. Why should I have to be in hospital ? What if something else happens to us ?
I hugged her as best I could (in her wheelchair)

dp :- It'll not be long before you're home for good love. As soon as you can walk, they'll let you go and you're so close.
kp (sobbing) :- Yeah, but it doesn't end there doesn't it. Things won't be back to normal. I'll not be able to walk properly.

There are so few words that help. I reassured her as best as I could that it is going to be a long road, but that you have a great family who will help you as much as we can, we've got the bungalow etc etc...

She cried for about 20-30 minutes and it didn't stop when Eileen (ace neighbour) popped her head over the fence to say "hi". Eileen did her best to cheer her up and then Tommy popped his head over. She dried up eventually and calmed down.

But as soon as I got her back in the house, it started again :-(

kp (crying) :- Let's get back to the hospital

Of course, then it was time to say goodbye to the dogs. Very very sad !

We did the transfer to the car (it went fine) and we set off to the hospital. Michelle (one of kp's sisters) phoned and kp could only speak a few sentences before signing off. Michelle sent a lovely long text to kp which arrived just as we arrived at the hospital and that helped make things a little better.

I had been able to keep my upset at bay throughout all of this. All couples out there will know that when one partner is weak, the other is strong and vice-versa. I was in "strong" mode, but I nearly lost sight of "strong" mode as we came to get out of the car. kp had undone her own seat belt. And I came round to start the transfer process unaware that her left (stroke) arm was trapped in the seatbelt. She didn't even know about it. ;-(

I said nothing and just sorted it.

When we arrived back on the ward, kp was greeted very enthusiastically by all the nurses, and the upset began again :-( Poor Poor kp. The staff were lovely !! They made us a pot of tea and brought some cake in for us.

I got kp into bed, tried to get her feet warm (as they were like ice), but couldn't. We had our cup of tea and then I left for the night.

2 minutes into writing this blog entry, kp phoned to check I had got home safely. She was feeling a bit calmer.

dp:- How are your feet ?
kp:- They're still cold

I'll take cold feet anyday, as long as she is settled in herself

With a bit of luck, she'll be able to come home for sometime midweek. We will see.


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