Saturday, September 10, 2005

Day 135 - Saturday 10th September

I arrived early ready for "The Weekend Home" :-)

We had plenty of time to spare so I went through all the lovely blog comments left by everyone from the Thursday blog :-)

And then we did the bath routine, and got dressings changed and drugs given with a chart of when kp is to have what.

We booked the taxi to come at 11.45am because we were ready early. Once kp was safely in the taxi, I took the car to arrive before the taxi so I could get the house ready/dogs out.

When she arrived, she was greeted by ace neighbours Tommy / Eileen and their family. kp was really chuffed at this and thought it was lovely that they had come to the fence.

I got kp comfy in one of the recliners and let the dogs out. Within 1 minute, kp was in tears. To blame for these tears was Elsa (one of our German Shepherds). She has a kind of Bambi look to her, big soulful eyes and it set her off.

kp:- Everyone had said I would be upset on my first visit home, but I wasn't, but I think I am now.

kp has always been known for delayed reactions. She had a good cry. We had a good talk and about 15 minutes later and lots of wet tissues, she was feeling a bit better.

We had a cracking afternoon, drinks of tea, inside and out, lots of fresh air. I tried to take a timed photo on my phone of kp and I having a cup of tea outside

It didn't go too well. The phone moved, I pulled my fake smile too soon, and kp misgauged the timer and we had a funny moment about 1 second after this foto was taken when kp put the phone down for a second and did the biggest smile.

dp:- It's already taken the photo love.

Funny at the time.

After the trip outside, she was freezing. The heating was on in the house, and I was sweating like a pig in my t-shirt. kp had 2 layers on and wanted the fire on to warm her feet.

After about 20 minutes roasting gently in front of the fire, she was "warm", I had sweat 2 stone off 9 feet behind her.

We were flagging by about 3pm and went for a snooze. The loveliest of cuddles and tender moments preceded a lovely snooze in each others arms.

We got up and went outside for some fresh air and to thank Tommy and Eileen for the ramp. They were great and gave us some fresh veg from Tommy's veg garden to go with our roast tomorrow night. (Leek and Cabbage). We also got some twigs of Lavender from Eileen's humongous Lavender bush.

Back at the house, we started preparing for the X-Factor in our usual Saturday night fashion by drinking lager. kp overdid it with half a lager shandy, she really knows how to push the boat out !

After this, kp was knackered and we got ready for the bed. She is there now, probably fast asleep.

Earlier, she had said..........

kp:- I hope you won't get sick of all the running around
dp:- No chance love.

We have had the best of days.



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