Friday, September 23, 2005

Day 148 - Friday 23rd September

Had to do lots of admin at home today before picking Adele up to do our cleaning/ironing. Thanks Adele.

Arrived at the hospital to pick up a bathed/clothed kp with wet hair ready for Vidal David Sassoon to do his thing. In no time, we were packed off with our drugs stash and heading for Ikea to pick up some lights. It was our first experience of shopping from a wheelchair and it wasn't too bad. Disabled Parking Spaces are closer to the score which is good. They have wheelchair trolleys that fit on the front of the wheelchair which are canny. Feels like you're pushing an articulated lorry.

People are very accommodating and tend to move out of the way if they see you coming especially when kp toots her horn. If they don't move on the first toot, I have a backup air horn which makes them scarper.

After Ikea we went to Harry Ramdens to find it shut :-( So went to Asda to get some weekend supplies. Again a pleasant shopping experience and we went to their cafe afterwards. I couldn't carry the tray from the counter and push kp to the table at the same time, so told the lady at the till I would be right back and she kindly shut the till down and walked over with us with our tray much to the dismay of the people behind us in the queue. :-)

Asda done, we went to the Garden Centre (kp doesn't do things by half). That was a bit more of a negative experience with gravel covering half the garden centre. Makes for very hard going and a bumpy ride. And they don't have wheelchair trolleys there, so we were restricted to buying 4 tubs of winter pansies which kp is going to plant tomorrow.

Back at the house, we had a good natter with Adele, before Adele needed taking back to catch the bus to Middlesbrough. I left kp cocooned in the duvet and unfortunately Adele, when she had said her goodbyes to kp, must have left the door ajar, so when I came back kp was cocooned in the duvet with 3 dogs filling any spaces.

That takes us up until 7pm and the next blog will be tomorrow HOPEFULLY reporting a successful night's sleep.

Finger's crossed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you have a fantastic weekend LOVE AN HUGS Margo

2:27 pm  

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