Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day 143 - Sunday 18th September

Arrived at 10.20am at the hospital to find a kp out for the count. We had a little natter when she heard me clunking around. They had fitted a new catheter. Still blood in the urine, but she hadn't had any more spasms. It seems lying on her back is key.

She wanted more snooze, so I joined her for what turned out to be 3.5 hours sleep !!! It was lovely sleep for both of us.

We woke up 5 minutes before my mum and dad arrived. They were taping the Newcastle - Blackburn match to watch when they got home so didn't want to know the score. The Pollard Family are Blackburn fans. It's hard in a Newcastle Hospital to avoid the score of a Newcastle match. The nurses hardly murmured at the time, but unfortunately outside kp's window were some workmen and every so often we would hear a cheer. Either mum and dad chose not to hear it, or they thought Newcastle workmen were generally cheery people (from watching too much "Auf Wiedersehen Pet" probably)

They had brought with them Cottage Pie which we were due to have at home with kp, but alas I will have to eat it on my own.

After they left, we had a bath, which kp was gagging for. We had a few more spasms of pain whilst getting ready for the bath, but she seems to have got the hang of riding them out. After the bath, one of the nurses came in to tell kp the result of her sample test, and it showed no infection, which in a way is a bit worrying, given her pain and blood in the urine. Maybe the doctor will look into it tomorrow. I get the impression it is not something to worry about.

I left about 5.20pm with kp queued up for an evening's viewing on ITV2.

Tomorrow she has a set of psychological tests to determine the extent of the stroke on her brain. Should be fun.

As Dad said, I should bring in a sign for the door saying "Exam in Progress"

That's it for today. Mowing Lawn time for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and David,
Sorry to hear you weekend wasnt to good, Next time will be better Im sure.I have had a few days in Scotland an now I need a week to get over it, How you keep it up Karen I dont know, It looks realy hard work the physio and you do it day after day well done girl.The first words out of my friends mouth when we went away (we meet up with them when we go away)were how is your friend Karen doing which I thought was nice that she had remembered about you. when I told her how well you were doing she was amazed she said that must be some strong girl to have come so far in a short time. I could only agree with her.So keep up the good work both of you Lots of love an hugs Margo
Ps David do you know what happened to the blog pages ive only got last weeks worth or is it just my pc

1:01 pm  
Blogger David Pollard said...

Hi Margo

To access older blog pages, you have to click on the relevant month under archives.

Shout if you get stuck


8:44 am  

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