Thursday, September 22, 2005

Day 147 - Thursday 22nd September

Another cracker of a day !

Absolutely gorgeous weather today. Blisteringly hot sun so we spent lots of time outside and kp has a bit of sunburn now (no joke).

Physio today saw another achievement. Today, kp walked out of the physio room (about 12 steps again in total, but with a few turns and twists along the way to get round corners). When she had finished walking into the corridor, she was facing one of the nurses who applauded her when she sat down :-)

I should make it clear that she couldn't have done it on her own yet. She relies on the main man moving her left leg into the right position, but it's early days and this is all reinforcing the feeling of walking which is so crucial for her relearning of this act that most of us take for granted.

Another good bit of news came in the form of Bladder issues. Next week, they are going to fit a spigot instead of a bag onto kp's catheter, so her bladder starts to fill up and she gets the sensation of needing the loo. They tried this a week or so ago and it led to problems in way of infection, but they seem more hopeful this time. A spigot is like a tap. So when she needs the loo, she turns the tap on to drain her bladder.

And then...........a week on Monday, (after a week on the spigot), the catheter comes out. She is really looking forward to that ! My concern was that she won't be able to get to the loo in time, but apparently, she can learn to self-catheterize which sounds like fun (NOT !).

So, kp was over the moon with physio and the catheter side of things.

At about 3pm, Jane and Ronnie arrived in Jane's new beautiful Red Rover MG. They arrived in style and made kp and I laugh our socks off at their rendition of Amarillo.

Here is a video clip of their arrival :-

Jane and Ronnie arriving in Style

Apparently, because kp and I were slow at coming down to greet them, they had been round the hospital 4 times singing the song before we got there.

They got some very strange looks from other people enjoying the sun.

We enjoyed the fresh air and banter, before going in for Pizza, Doner Kebabs and Indian meals that we had delivered. It was lovely. Jane, par for the course, got her curry down her tea-shirt. If she doesn't get at least one breast blessed at every meal, it isn't a proper meal. If that's not her motto it should be.

Jane loves her MG and I decided on doing a little practical joke on her. As Jane took the lift down, I went to get her MG car key and I reparked her MG in a different parking spot (quite a way from her parking spot).

It nearly backfired as they walked right past me as I drove past them, but NONE of them saw me driving the car 15 feet away, they were too busy gossiping.

I parked the car and quickly joined them.

dp:- Here's your key Jane. I picked it up so you could put the lager in the boot
Jane:- Thanks David

Still no inkling

dp:- Here, I'll put the lagers in the boot for you.
Jane:- Thanks (gossip continuing with Ronnie and kp)
dp:- Have you moved your car Jane ?

Jane looked torwards the parking space 15 feet away from where they were sitting and her fag dropped pointing towards the floor, she said nothing and just stared at the parking spot in horror.

A deadly silence pursued. I let it carry on for about 5 seconds. It felt like an eternity.

dp:- It's ok Jane, your car is over there. I moved it.

Relief doesn't begin to describe Jane's feelings. I hugged her, before she gave me a left hook. Cracking note to end a wonderful day on.

We are all set for our weekend at home. Can't wait. Trip to Ikea tomorrow.


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