Saturday, October 01, 2005

Day 156 - Saturday 1st October

Karen had an "ok" night's sleep. She didn't think she had and thought she had been up all night, but bizarrely she had been snoring like a trooper for quite a proportion of the night. I think the problem she has is interrupted sleep which makes her feel like she is up all the night.

I didn't go to sleep until I was sure she was asleep. I just couldn't. Everytime I woke up, I checked to see how she was, just by listening to her. Everytime I was as sure she was asleep as I could be. On 2 occasions, I whispered "Are you ok ?" and got no reply.

I got up about 8.30am and took the dogs leaving her a phone "just in case". When i got back, I joined her for a snooze and we both ended up getting out of bed about 11am.

We had breakfast in the kitchen and went out to enjoy this endless Summer we seem to be having.

The family were due to come over today for a get together (kp's idea). I had got FAR too much buffet food in from Tesco ready for them.

Left to Right - Karen, Adele, Louisa, Michelle, Marie, Abby and Ethan

Marie, Michelle and Adele kindly did all the washing up and clearing away which was VERY much appreciated.

We had a great time when they arrived and until they left with the kids performing dance routines to the Wiggles. Ethan wasn't in for the dancing and was "happy" to do his homework instead.

kp was knackered when they left (4.30pm) and we had a conversation that went something like this :-

dp:- You tired
kp:- A bit
(She was knackered)
dp:- Me too. We should wait until 8.30pm to go to sleep, it's only 4 hours away.
kp:- Yes, you're right.

Within 20 minutes we were fast asleep in the bedroom. We had the loveliest of snoozes (kp included).

We got up for Pizza and X Factor and are just retiring now. She has took a Tamazepam (sleeping tablet), so hopefully that will get her off to sleep.

Cracking Day today.


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