Thursday, September 29, 2005

Day 154 - Thursday 29th September - Part One

I was knackered yesterday and I see today that my blog entry missed a couple of funny things out.

So, the following incidents occurred yesterday :-

Sometimes when I am very tired, I find everything goes wrong, yesterday was a prime example.

In the morning, kp wanted to empty her bladder. Essentially, this just involves turning a tap and placing a cardboard urine collector (normally used by men) over the end of the tap. So, I turned the tap and waited for kp to get some relief from a full bladder which took about a minute. Normally at this time, the urine starts coming out more slowly, so to confirm this was the case I pulled the tap slightly out of the urine collector to have a look, only to drip it on the sheets in between kp's legs :-( In my haste to correct this, I tipped the urine collector up the wrong way and spilled about 1/4 pint all over kp :-(

I was f'ing and blinding. I quickly ran over to the other side of the bed to get some new sheets, hitting my head on the TV. More f'ing and blinding.

I then came back to sort out the mess and got some paper towels to dab the end of the tap. I kind of gave the plastic hose end a flicking action with the paper towel only to find a load of urine splatter across my face.

It's funny now, but at the time, it wasn't !

More from the front line later.........


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