Thursday, September 29, 2005

Day 154 - Thursday 29th September - Part Two

Karen had had a great late night with Jane and Marie, enjoying pizza and garlic bread in the Day Room. The leftover pizza/garlic bread was enjoyed by the nursing staff.

Well, after a 14 hour sleep, I was feeling much more refreshed and ready to tackle kp in all her glory.

We went through blog comments and kp had a few bowel issues which the sister is looking into before we did the bath thing.

Bath over, we went outside to enjoy the glorious sunshine and some tea and fruit salad for kp.

I had a snooze before physio. kp said that one of the nurses nearly had heart failure when she came in to give kp her tablets and saw my feet hanging out alongside kp's bed. I apologised later, but asked her "where was the kiss of life". She laughed, obviously not thinking I was keen for any kiss going from a nurse.

Physio today was great. It involved some strengthening routines and then a walk (with wheelchair in front) beyond the Quiet room to the first nurse's station. She did really well. Her walking is getting better as well. Although the main man was positioning her left foot every step, he commented on how much better the flow of her legs was.

We only stopped because a bed was in the way. I estimate 25-30 steps.

Whilst the main man nipped back to the physio room for something, kp asked the other physio :-

kp:- "Dya think if I ask (MAIN MAN) how long before I am walking, he will tell me straight"
Daniel O'Donnell Fan (Physio) :- You can always ask

When he returned :-

Daniel O'Donnel Fan (Physio) :- Karen has a question for you
Main Man :- Karen, with a question, I don't believe that. This must be a first

Well, we were laughing at that. Karen is known in the family for asking 100 questions where one would do. If there are any new boyfriends on the scene for nieces or sisters, she gives them a full blown interview before they can have a first kiss. Karen and I didn't think she had been too bad and had been very toned down. In fact, we were amazed they had sussed this aspect of her :-)

kp:- So, (MainMan), when do you think I will be walking
Main Man :- 6 weeks


kp was very pleased with this, because walking means she can go home. We had thought just before Xmas, and now its mid November.

Obviously, we understand that this is not set in stone, but it's a might sooner than we thought.

As soon as we got back in the sun outside, kp was straight on the phone to my dad to share the good news.

Marie arrived to enjoy the sunshine. We must have stayed out an hour or so before numb bum syndrome set in.

Tomorrow it's the big day. Donny Osmond Concert Day ! kp is really looking forward to it. I am going in for 4pm and Marie is doing the early shift. We are going straight from the hospital.

Should be interesting. I can't wait. Let me try and say that more enthusiastically, "I can't wait !!!!!"

I'll keep working on that.

Actually, I am going to enjoy seeing kp enjoy herself. Last time Donny came to the Telewest Arena, kp was ill and couldn't use her ticket, bizarrely this time, she is MORE ill, and is going. Funny old game, life.

I'll try and snap some shots of kp with a smile. I think there will be plenty of opportunity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen asking 20 questions, you do amaze me, never heard of that!!!!!!!
What a great few days, impressed with the walking and 6 weeks, brilliant, I know you can do it.
Hope you have a brilliant time with Donny, I know how sorry you were to miss the last one, I went and he was lush!! as I'm sure you'll see, give him a kiss from me, even though you don't do kissing- bet you wouldn't mind a chance eh???
Just read Davids cack handed attempts with the urine yesterday, make sure he's had a good wash before the hot chicken lunch!!
Have a fab night
love Sue xxx

6:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey blonde.....get a load of you going to concerts walking 20paces and have a bath in weeeeee!!!!!
pet you have such

hope you have a great night with wor Donny and co.... dont forget to sing loud and clear...and if you get to ask him a dont forget to get a picture of two of you...for the wall and the blogg....

ok pooped off to some sleeping pills off the doctor hope they work...

have fun tonight
love debsxxx

ps next time you see lyd ask her about the dahl my dad made

9:12 pm  

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