Monday, October 03, 2005

Day 158 - Monday 3rd October

kp didn't have the catheter removed. Apparently, it is best to remove it at 6am so she gets a full day without it to see how she fares, so tomorrow at 6am they whip it out.

Pretty uneventful day today.


Fruit Salad and Tea outside

Snooze before physio

Karen saw the doctor because she had experienced a lot of aches and pains over the weekend and wanted her pain medication reviewed. They are upping the Fentanyl Patch on Wednesday to 75mg (currently 50mg).

Physio today involved lots of hip-loosening, knee bending routines, before doing 35 steps. The main man is trying to get her to experience the rhythm of walking. At the moment, the main man is positioning the left foot every step, so it is hoped, it will develop its own swing I think.

There was a bit of cockup on my part today during physio. "A bit" is probably putting it mildly. My job during the walking is to stand in front of the wheelchair that Karen uses for stability to make sure it doesn't run away. A pretty easy job you'd think. Well, when Karen turns corners the wheelchair ends up not being centered on her body and her arms are to the right or left of her body, so I pick the wheelchair up and recentre it. Well, today I did that, and must have pulled the wheelchair away from Karen, and she collapsed like a tall chimney being demolished. She just gave way. Thankfully, the main man and his assistant were there to stop her hitting the floor.

dp:- Sorry, love.
kp gives me a stern look
dp:- I am gonna cop it later

Everyone laughed.

I think I will try and get out of that job and be the person who catches her when she falls.

We left kp's bedroom a mess when we went to physio. I had left my bed (for the snooze) on the floor, and kp's bed was in disarray.

When we got back, everything was beautifully in order. Marie and Michelle had arrived. They had done their thing and the room was very inviting.

We had a good natter and cup of tea outside, before going back to tuck kp into her lovely pink blanket.

That's it for today.


Blogger gillian said...

it's so nice to come in here everyday, and hear how kp's doing. i hope that in the near future, i'll get to hear that kp's fully recovered, and being able to do the things she really wants. i wish you both all the best! =)

4:02 pm  

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