Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Day 166 - Tuesday 11th October

Adventurous day today for kp.

When I arrived, we pretty much went straight into physio. kp was VERY stiff from yesterday, especially her right hip. kp's physio had to call in another physio to loosen it up as she wasn't having any joy. (The right hip is the one that was broken, with the connecting phema broken too). After about 20 minutes of massage, it was a bit looser.

But to avoid aggravating it, she only walked about 40-50 steps today, but stamina-wise she could have done the usual 80+.

Physio over, we ok'ed it with the Sister for kp to go out for the afternoon and we went to Middlesbrough to shop for bathroom items for the wet room we are building for kp. But, first we joined Tony and Jane for lunch at a restaurant in Middlesbrough. kp scoffed the lot. If it's nice food, kp can eat like a lion, but the hospital ward food is generally awful. It's probably the Q.E.'s only weak point. It's not that the catering staff can't do lovely food either, because the food in the restaurants is delicious, it's just the travel it makes to the ward seems to kill any appeal it might have had.

After the meal, we wandered round bathroom and tile showrooms (fun fun fun !).

That over, we went round to Marie's house for a cup of tea. Marie has 2 steps into her house, and it was a RIGHT FART ON getting kp in the front door, but we managed it. Marie's toilet is upstairs and there was no way we were attempting that, so suffice to say, we managed by other means. But, if you ever go to Marie's and she offers you a cup of tea, ask her which bowl it was washed up in. If it's blue, pass !! Only kidding !

Christopher (kp's nephew) arrived halfway through our cup of tea, and we had a good laugh with him, before we had to leave to get kp back to the hospital.

That's it for today.


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