Friday, December 09, 2005

Day 225 - Friday 9th December

I got up at the crack of dawn to walk the dogs. It was that nice feeling of "I've had my sleep".

As soon as HHL#1 arrived, I went to Costco to get the Christmas shopping in. We were both going to go if kp woke up earlier, but she slept in, so we wouldn't have had time to Costco shop at Karen's pace with Deborah visiting us in the afternoon.

Whilst I was away, Karen received some flowers from an old friend of mine (Adam Brockbank) and his family. I had COMPLETELY forgot to let him know about kp's accident. Sorry Adam + co !

Thanks for the flowers - they were lovely.

I took a photo of the flowers for the blog, but a photo of flowers on their own doesn't seem that interesting, so I asked Karen to stand next to them for the second shot.

After the shop, I went for a snooze and completely missed Deborah's visit, which I was well miffed at, as I had been looking forward to it for days :-(

kp and Deborah had a nice chinwag apparently.

Soon after Deborah left, Marie and Abbie arrived. They are stopping the night. We have been making Christmas Calendars. My first thoughts were "oh, bugger, I have to make Xmas Calendars", but then once you start, you just want to make another one ! Here is Abby with the finished products.

Marie (the swot) did 2 !! Hers are on the right. Abbie did 1 (top left) and I did 1 (bottom left). Karen advised whilst practising her arm extension exercises.


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