Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Day 278 - Tuesday 31st January 2006

Last night, at the very point I was about to fall asleep, kp said something really lovely to me. It was something like.........

kp:- David......

dp (barely awake) :- Mmmmm
kp:- I just want to say that I really love you.

dp :- Thanks love. Can we talk about this in the morning?

Uneventful Day today.

kp was up about 12pm. She was full of aches and pains after yesterday's shopping trip, but when I offered to put a higher pain relief patch on, she said she wanted to stay on a 75ug Fentanyl Patch.

Marie came this afternoon. She is staying overnight. kp went for a lie-down around 4pm as she was flagging. Need to get her up soon.


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